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Ill McCain will cast vital vote


AT the twilight of his career and battling a brain tumour, Senator John McCain stands poised to deliver for his party and his president on the issue that has defined the GOP for the past seven years.

It’s a situation heavy with drama and symbolism. The 80year-old Arizona senator will return to Washington just days after a cancer diagnosis, to cast what could be the deciding vote to open debate on legislatio­n to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Senator McCain himself campaigned heavily on the Obamacare repeal issue last year as he won re-election to a sixth and almost certainly final Senate term. And there could be sweet revenge in defying cancer to undo the signature legislatio­n of the man who beat him for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama.

The Arizona senator would also deliver a key victory to President Donald Trump, despite emerging as one of the president’s most outspoken GOP critics on Capitol Hill. During last year’s campaign Mr Trump shockingly ridiculed Senator McCain over his years as a POW during the Vietnam War.

The possibilit­y of Senator McCain returning had been discussed around the Capitol on Monday, yet the press release from his office late in the day came as a surprise. Nor does it guarantee success on Tuesday’s vote for majority leader Mitch McConnell, whoo is managing an uncooperat­ive e GOP caucus with almost no room for error in the closely divided Senate.

Earlier, Mr Trump pleaded d with senate Republican­s to “do the right thing” on healthcare and allow debate to begin.

“The American people have waited long enough. There’s been enough talk, and no action. Now is the time for action,” Mr Trump said on Monday at the White House.

“Any senator who votes against starting debate is telling America that you are fine with the Obamacare nightmare,” he said.

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