Geelong Advertiser

Lessons learned running on empty


TWO years ago, a naive red P-plater, I was headed back to Geelong from Warrnamboo­l with a friend and we decided to take the scenic route on the Great Ocean Road.

It was late afternoon, headed toward Hopetoun Falls, our last stop before home. I was aware my petrol tank was running low though I decided not to fill up at the shabby petrol station we passed as I thought it was “too expensive”; I was also intimidate­d by the old-school pumps. I thought, “Surely there’ll be another petrol station close by ... an APCO or Shell.”

On the way, we passed many petrol stations in neighbouri­ng towns, all of which were closed. By the time we reached the waterfall the indicator had dropped, which made me nervous. We then made our way to Redwood Forest a couple minutes’ drive from Hopetoun Falls. It was hard to enjoy the beauty of it all with the worrying thought that somehow we would not make it out of the forest.

Sure enough, it was time to head home and as we were in a remote area, had no reception for Google Maps. The winding narrow road of the forest was never ending. As I turned each corner, I hoped a break would appear then suddenly the petrol light came on. I kept driving, hoping to reach a clearing but nothing. I pulled over so I did not run completely dry. At this point, no cars had passed by and it became darker; it felt like I was in a horror movie as I waited for the worst to happen. We decided to walk up the road to see where it ended while I kicked myself for not filling up when I had the opportunit­y. My friend called the emergency services who tried to figure out our location when a set of headlights appeared. I stepped out in front of the car as if by instinct waving my arms around. Luckily, the man was more than happy to help us get to the closest petrol station, 40 minutes away in Apollo Bay.

There we bought a jerry can and filled it with petrol, eventually making it back to my abandoned car in the forest.

We got home much later than expected that night, but were grateful. It felt like a weird dream… I was so appreciati­ve that a stranger took the time out of his Friday night to save us from my stupidity.

I have a new found appreciati­on for a full tank of petrol and understand the importance of a Melway and filling up before you venture into unfamiliar territory.

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