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People who are afraid to leave their known realm will expend a lot of energy trying to fix things there, while those who are daring enough to journey out will fix everything in one fell swoop by starting new.


You’re not looking for what’s wrong with the situation; you’re just trying to understand what’s there and how all the elements work together. You’ll grow in insight and, ultimately, in power.


Your attention on things will change them – like when you focus on an interest so long that the awesome stuff becomes weird and the weird stuff becomes awesome.


You’re structurin­g the immediate future toward a distant future you can’t quite imagine yet. That’s all right. You’ll be able to see it better as you get closer, which you will by following today’s plan.


You’ll use your talents for whatever work you do. That said, your skills are also broader than the current work needs. Is there another way to apply yourself beyond what you’re paid to do?


Moving forward isn’t always about picking the best solution out there; it’s about finding something that works and then finding the next thing that works. For today, good timing will be better than good research.


Some will be seduced by the buzzy feeling of superiorit­y, even though the idea that any person is better than another is delusional. Those who can resist the temptation­s of arrogance will win the day.


If you live in a way that honours those around you, you’ll get pleasure from looking back and reliving the moments – the opposite of regret. Doing what’s right will definitely be worth the inconvenie­nce.


You’ll give an awful lot of attention to a version of yourself that doesn’t quite exist yet. Well, that’s one way to bring that version into being. Act “as if” and soon the “as if” will no longer be an act.


You’re not being judged. In fact, the laws of cause and effect are rather straightfo­rward at the moment. You’re more likely to be punished by your sins than for them.


Many around you are in desperate need of surprise and delight. For this reason you could get a very positive response for saying the opposite of what people expect.


You’re good at what you do. So when this goes long stretches without acknowledg­ement, stay confident in your ability. Also, there’s nothing wrong cueing people, in a lightheart­ed way, to give you props.

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