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Police deserve better


THERE are few harder jobs than that of the modern police officer. Gone are the halcyon days when a beat cop could simply do the job of chasing and catching criminals.

Today’s police are expected to play psychologi­st, priest and social worker to all of society’s ills.

If there is a malfunctio­ning social policy — from the care available for the mentally ill to problems of homelessne­ss - it is the women and men in blue who are often expected to fix it or mop it up.

Take a small recent example that occurred on Yarra St.

A delusional person was having a schizophre­nic episode and shouting loudly at himself and scaring onlookers.

He was not looking to commit a crime but was spooking people, was a potential danger to himself and was creating a public disturbanc­e.

It really should have been a job for the CATT mental health crisis team. But when onlookers called Triple 0 and asked for the CATT team, they were told only police could attend in the first instance.

(If you’re wondering how it ended: Two Geelong police officers arrived within minutes and dealt with the man kindly and profession­ally.)

Take another change that’s made policing harder: Heroin addicts used to commit crimes to fund their habit. They could be aggressive or conversely go ‘on the nod’ in public places. They would eventually either kick the habit or overdose. But in the meantime they were still basically rational.

Today police have to grapple with ice addicts who — even if they shake the highly addictive drug’s hold — can be left with lifelong delusions and damage. While on the drug ice users can be terrifying­ly strong and irrational. Attacks on Geelong police have shot up.

The force needs to ensure they are hiring resilient individual­s who can withstand these tough aspects of the job.

But as a community we, and our leaders, need to back officers in reducing their risk as they put their bodies on the line standing between us and those who would do us harm.

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