Geelong Advertiser



IT was with interest and disappoint­ment I read that Tomi’s restaurant was closing down.

A group of us decided to go for one last enjoyable evening on the Thursday before it closed on the Friday.

As I had booked a table for 10 people, I rang on the Thursday morning to confirm this booking. I left a message on the answering machine, just presuming they were too busy to take the call.

When I hadn’t heard by early afternoon, I rang again, only to get the answering machine again. Ever had that feeling in the gut that something is wrong? That’s how I felt.

So I drove into Geelong to double check. Parking was not easy as this was the Thursday before Christmas.

I drove past the restaurant and there was obvious movement, so I thought all was OK. But, luckily, I decided to persevere and find a park and walk to the restaurant to see for myself.

I walked into the restaurant, only to see the movement was people packing up. Obviously the restaurant had closed sooner than expected.

Why couldn’t someone have rung me to tell me they were unable to fulfil my booking?

I would have thought that would have been the polite thing to do.

I tried to speak to someone in the restaurant, but was ignored and treated so rudely I just left.

I was then faced with the ordeal of contacting everyone to say our outing was off.

It was 3pm by this time and too late to try to book something else. Heather Griffiths, Geelong

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