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I’VE always been a bit surprised by Darryn, you know — “out there”, pink and purple mayor etc but WOW, well done Darryn (GA 13/1).

This is the first time for ages I’ve seen someone get printed and say it like it is.

It’s all true, 10s of billions of dollars mismanaged and wasted and I haven’t heard hardly a squeak from opposition pollies. There is precedent here. Look at the Labor driven useless Desal plant with huge blowouts in costs (billions of course), and our children will be paying for it at what, $1 million a day. Who was holding them to account? Who is now?

You can just imagine what will happen within these new multi, multi billion Labor projects.

Let’s not forget the NBN, what’s another $50 or $60 billion for a lemon.

My 4G phone is faster than my NBN — which I can’t get. It’s your tax dollars down the gurgler, and you ain’t seen nothing yet for electricit­y costs, gas, fuel and surely a soon to be introduced “road tax” because it has to be paid somehow, and the road tax won’t be spent on country roads either (just drive from Mt Gambier to Port Fairy and you’ll see the best border road in Australia — in South Australia, turn into the worst border road in Australia — in Victoria).

I bet they will be sorry they sacked Darryn, especially if he goes into politics like Nick. He’ll get my vote. Carl Hussell

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