Geelong Advertiser



“TRAFFIC jam a headache” (GA 1/1) suggests that the pedestrian lights are preventing traffic movement through Barwon Heads.

Where was Brian Ferguson (local resident) when a strong desire was put forward for an extension of the Geelong Rd with a bridge connecting instead of three-quarters of the traffic from Geelong being ex-Ocean Grove and vice versa.

Does Mr Ferguson realise he must become the Labor Party of the day (when constructi­ng the new bridge developmen­t) together with northern residents of Barwon Heads employing Melbourne lawyers to stop the Geelong Rd bridge developmen­t, which would have ensured Barwon Heads residents safe shopping.

The pedestrian safety road crossings with lights have become necessary which Mr Ferguson now complains are holding up traffic.

We can presume, when there is a change of State Government that the leader Mathew Guy who sympatheti­cally supported in person the Geelong Rd extension to a new bridge, may consider his support again.

Ocean Grove personnel who have become familiar with Barwon Heads business capacity can choose either destinatio­n according to their priority — directly to Geelong or enjoy the pleasures of Barwon Heads.

The yachting personnel and campers must give priority to the safety for 12 months a year of those using the bridge facility daily. Graeme Wallace-Smith, Barwon Heads

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