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Your reaction can give power to an action. In fact, it is sometimes the only power source of the thing to which you are reacting. If you want a situation to discontinu­e, try a non-reaction as your next reaction.


Unpleasant circumstan­ces are the ones that teach the most valuable lessons. Had you never been neglected or abandoned, you wouldn’t be so self-sufficient. You’ll be celebrated for your strength.


You’ll have to pivot from the usual in order to embrace new possibilit­ies. This next turn will have to be made in faith.


If the day’s tasks are trying, either you misunderst­ood what was required or someone is asking way too much of you. Mountains invite you to climb them, not carry them.


The minute you feel yourself competing, pull back and ask whether the situation is really a good match for you. Those who appreciate what you bring to the table won’t ask you to compete for your spot.


Not all inaction is alike. There’s doing nothing out of fear, laziness or confusion, then there’s doing nothing out of principle. Having the discipline to be still when inaction is the best choice for the moment.


To contrive for self-advantage is the folly of children and those who behave like them – an individual is usually best served within a thriving group. Work toward making the group great, and be lifted with it.


Today, it may seem your loved ones think of you as a genie in service to them. They make their requests and expect you to magically fulfil. But what about the other plans you had made? Don’t drop them.


Since comparison and judgment have no place in today’s proceeding­s, you’ll be looking for ways to appreciate the contributi­ons of others without putting yourself in a position to rate them.


You know what it’s like to stand amongst a group that you don’t truly belong to. Because you’ve tasted that unique kind of loneliness, you can appreciate the abundant warmth in the bonds you have now.


You’ve done the work; now, enjoy watching your plan play out. It will be satisfying to see things go off without a hitch because you implemente­d the lessons of the past.


The way you talk to yourself in your own head will be extremely important. The level of kindness of your inside voice will dictate the level of kindness in your outside voice.

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