Geelong Advertiser



IF our present day politician­s are paid for their honesty and performanc­e, they have failed the Australian taxpayers.

Never has Victoria had a government more deceitful or dishonest than this Andrew’s-lead Labor government.

The Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten has proved to be deceitful and dishonest, time and time again.

The Turnbull Liberal government has also demonstrat­ed deceit and dishonesty, with their viability claim of snowy 2.0, this 2018 budget of smoke and mirrors has not delivered anything.

The billions of dollars of renewable subsidies are costing the taxpayers and consumers. If renewables are the way of the future, why are subsidies necessary.

The Turnbull government also sold out Australia by signing the Paris Agreement and they don’t publicly disclose how many billions of dollars are being thrown at this global con

with no scientific evidence or benefit to Australia. This must stop with national debt racing towards $700 billion and taxpayers paying $17 billion interest per year.

Scientists have now proven carbon is greening the planet not destroying it.

So why are our politician­s still putting Australia through all this unnecessar­y expense and if they honestly thought this global hoax was real, why didn’t they attempt to lift the nuclear ban here in Australia to produce clean, cheap, reliable power. We sell as much coal, gas and uranium to our overseas competitor­s to use, yet banning coal, gas and uranium here in Australia.

Does any of this make sense to business, industry or consumers in Australia? Our energy has gone from one of the cheapest in the world to one of the most expensive. Darryl Rowe, Clifton Springs

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