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THE Oval Office looked even more like the set of a reality TV show yesterday, when Kim Kardashian met US President Donald Trump. The Keeping Up with the Kardashian­s star and The Apprentice star posed for a photo and set the internet alight while also inspiring a tongue-in-cheek New York Post front page (inset). Kardashian was there to make a high-profile case for prison reform and advocate on behalf of a grandmothe­r serving a life sentence for drug offences.

REALITY TV star Kim Kardashian met US President at the White House yesterday to discuss prison reform and make a plea to free a grandmothe­r jailed for drug offences.

Dressed all in black, Kardashian is believed to have asked for a pardon for Alice Marie Johnson, 63, who was sentenced to life without parole on drug-related charges in 1997.

Mr Trump later tweeted, “Great meeting with @KimKardash­ian today, talked about prison reform and sentencing.”

Kardashian tweeted her thanks and said she hoped Johnson would be freed.

“It is our hope that the President will grant clemency to Ms Alice Marie Johnson who is serving a life sentence for a first-time, non-violent drug offence,” she wrote.

Vanity Fair magazine first reported Kardashian had lined up a meeting with Mr Trump and his son-in-law, senior adviser Jared Kushner, who is overseeing a push to overhaul the US prison system.

Kardashian said she had been moved by Johnson’s story after seeing a video on Twitter.

Mr Trump last week granted a rare posthumous pardon to boxing’s first black heavyweigh­t champion Jack Johnson, more than 100 years after what many saw as his racially charged conviction.

The boxer’s pardon had been championed by actor Sylvester Stallone.

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 ?? Picture: AP ?? SECURITY CHECK: Kim Kardashian is escorted through the White House gates.
Picture: AP SECURITY CHECK: Kim Kardashian is escorted through the White House gates.

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