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Roos rally to support Daw


NORTH Melbourne players still don’t know when Majak Daw will return to the club but will welcome him back with open arms when he does.

Daw is recovering after sustaining serious hip and pelvis injuries following his fall from the Bolte Bridge last month.

Kangaroos players have been in constant contact with the defender and are offering him the support he needs.

“We’re not too sure yet,” midfielder Dom Tyson said of when Daw would return to the club. “That’s in the hands of those that are looking after him and around him most at the moment.

“He did speak about the club being a second family for him so obviously (we’d wel- come him) with open arms when he comes back.”

Daw, 27, penned a heartfelt letter to North Melbourne supporters this week, declaring he’d been given a second chance at life.

Tyson, who joined the Kangaroos from Melbourne during the trade period, said Daw was in good spirits.

“A lot of the boys have been in constant contact and they’re relaying a few things to the boys,” he said.

“At the moment (his) spirits are good from what we’re hearing. There’s been some good support networks for ‘Maj’ and the boys are just doing what they can to support him. His outlook is positive at the moment and he’s just focusing on his recovery.

“In terms of what we can do, it’s just be there to support at the moment.”

Daw hopes to return to playing football soon.

“I’m making huge strides with my recovery, both physically and mentally,” he said.

“My attitude and outlook towards everything has improved.

“I hope to be back out there playing in the blue and white stripes soon.”

 ??  ?? Majak Daw last season
Majak Daw last season

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