Geelong Advertiser


- Peter Berrisford, Drysdale

THE day of reckoning for the Morrison Government is fast approachin­g. And as it does we hear Sarah Henderson prattle on about all she is going to do for the electorate of Corangamit­e.

Nominal amounts, in a dying government’s final budget, for projects that have not even got to the planning stage are hardly achievemen­ts.

Which stations will the fast train to Melbourne be stopping at Sarah?

Let’s look at Sarah’s record during the past six years. Firstly there was her vocal stance against the super trawler. Sadly, the super trawler is still out there mopping up every living thing from the ocean floor.

Then, I remember Sarah’s photo splashed across the local papers sitting in an army tank, proudly announcing that the army tanks that were going to be built in Geelong.

Where was Sarah Henderson when the Abbott Government launched its attack on the car industry in 2013 as it struggled with the Aussie dollar at 110 US cents?

All that was needed was some support, and to wait out the mining boom which we knew was coming to an end. And now the dollar is at 71 US cents.

The car industry would be booming now and we would be in a position to move into the manufactur­ing of electric cars.

In the past few weeks in the lead up to the election all of sudden, we have a whole range of Henderson promises that consist of lines in a projected four-year budget

I heard Sarah Henderson on Pulse radio last week and I was particular­ly surprised by her attacking and running down Libby Coker. Here was Sarah Henderson, branding Libby a do nothing a Surf Coast councillor.

How demeaning and embarrassi­ng to have to stoop to this level. During the broadcast she dismissed out of hand Labor’s well-thought-through tax changes that focus on the generous treatment certain assets currently receive.

These changes will provide extra funds for health and education.

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