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Fork kill threats

Ice-addict teen in court


AN ice-addicted 14-year-old boy allegedly threatened to kill a man with a fork in Geelong this week, a court has heard.

The teenager is accused of confrontin­g a Department of Health and Human Services worker with the fork on Wednesday night before allegedly spitting on a police officer.

A children’s court yesterday heard the boy was granted bail five days before the incident on other serious allegation­s.

Police allege he has tormented DHHS workers assigned to care for him, including directing sexual activity at female staff members.

On April 6, it is claimed the teen pulled down his pants and confronted a female worker while touching his genitals, saying’ “What? Do you want to look at my d---?”

A police officer from Geelong’s Youth Tasking Unit told the court yesterday DHHS workers held genuine concerns for their safety.

“The accused has made their workplace unsafe,” the officer said.

He said Wednesday’s incident happened before a meeting to discuss living arrangemen­ts for the boy. It is alleged the teen brandished the fork and told a male worker, “If you move me, I’ll f---ing kill you.”

The boy was arrested, but is accused of spitting on the arm of a senior constable.

The police officer told the court the teenager said he had consumed “heaps” of ice before the incident.

He said DHHS staff had reported regular drug use, continued sexualised comments and “worrying behaviour” towards female workers.

A magistrate noted it was “very sad” to hear of a 14-yearold boy using ice and that it was “undesirabl­e” to detain children in custody.

But he expressed concerns about the alleged disregard for bail conditions and the risk of harm to DHHS workers.

The boy was refused bail and will return to court on May 8.

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