Geelong Advertiser

Glowing report for Geelong


GEELONG’S track renovation­s have received a glowing endorsemen­t from some of Australia’s best jockeys.

Tuesday’s meeting was the Geelong Racing Club’s first since January, passing its examinatio­n with flying colours.

Track manager James Dalton said “feedback was excellent” from some of the country’s most respected hoops.

“It was great to have senior riders at the track — Craig Williams, Damien Oliver, Damian Lane and a host of others,” Dalton said.

“It was pleasing to hear them really give the track positive reports after the race meet and during the race meet.

“We couldn’t be happier here at Geelong with how it raced for the first time back.

“The weather wasn’t really favourable for it, unfortunat­ely, but I think it could have been a lot worse with what was originally forecast.

“It was still enough just to wet the top of it. The last couple of races, it did chip away to a degree but, all in all, it was a really positive day.”

The club has completed extensive upgrades, including improved drainage in a move to avoid abandoned meetings.

Dalton said he was pleased the track had raced fairly.

“We had winners from upfront and also winners from right back,” he said.

“That’s always pleasing to see that horses can run on. It does obviously come down to tempo and horse ability, and that sort of thing, but if you can have a bit of mix of both, that’s favourable.

“We were really happy with how it raced.”

Geelong’s next meeting is on Friday and he said the track had met initial expectatio­ns.

“The most pleasing thing was the slits we put across the track, they were always going to be the weakest point but it was pleasing to see they held up really well and they didn’t explode or disintegra­te — they held together really well,” Dalton said.

“We’ve still got the rest of April and May to have some good growing conditions, so it’s only going to improve over the next month-and-a-half before things slow down coming into those winter months.”

 ??  ?? Craig Williams on Forever And A Day after their win at Geelong on Tuesday.
Craig Williams on Forever And A Day after their win at Geelong on Tuesday.

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