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A SYMBOL of Nazi oppression has been painted on the Surf Coast Highway at Torquay.

A swastika along with the message “Sak DA NWO” was marked on the road sometime on Friday night or Saturday morning near the intersecti­on of Darian Rd and Grossmans Rd.

Western Victoria MP Andy Meddick said he was disgusted by the message that likely translated to “sack Daniel Andrews, new world order”.

“No one likes lockdowns. No one likes the fact that we’re going through a global pandemic,” Mr Meddick said.

“You can agree or disagree with the government’s measures, but the moment you put a swastika associated with that, you’ve crossed the line. We know that there are many neo-Nazi and white supremacis­ts groups associated with these actions and we know that there’s been a rise in these groups.

“The moment you place a swastika with (that message) you are associatin­g yourself with those groups, that’s what the broader community feels. Everybody would be disgusted with that and so should you be, too.”

Under legislatio­n due to be introduced to parliament before July 2022, Victoria will become the first Australian state or territory to outlaw the public display of Nazi symbols.

Multicultu­ral Affairs Minister Ros Spence said the move would help stamp out hateful behaviour and boost human rights protection­s.

“Nazi symbols glorify one of the most hateful ideologies in human history,” Ms Spence said. “We must confront hate, prevent it, and give it no space to grow.”

Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes said: “All forms of hate are unacceptab­le and have no place in Victoria — expanding our anti-vilificati­on laws to protect more Victorians sends a clear message that this vile behaviour will not be tolerated.”

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 ??  ?? The swastika and message scrawled on the road at Torquay and (below) MP Andy Meddick.
The swastika and message scrawled on the road at Torquay and (below) MP Andy Meddick.

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