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There are so many moving parts to this weekend that it’s no longer possible to keep things simple. The best you can do is enjoy the unique brand of complexity cultivated by you and yours.


Even the toughest individual­s will benefit from letting go of some rigidity. Warmth, flexibilit­y, hospitalit­y and agreeablen­ess are the qualities that will rule the day.


Play it loose and lively. Oddly enough, being too careful could cause mishaps, while a dash of recklessne­ss excites everyone to be more alert. Trust in life’s flow.


Give up trying to make sure everyone is taken care of. You wouldn’t want them to become too dependent on you! Everything in balance. It’s time for you to have your own kind of fun.


It’s not that someone falls for your charms, it’s that everyone does. Be careful where you wield that smile and don’t set up expectatio­ns you can’t manage.


There’s no way to prepare for the capture of your imaginatio­n. It happens quite without your consent! The events of the day will keep giving to you in the form of time-released inspiratio­n.


Sing this day the way you would a song — beat by beat, measure for measure. Don’t worry about the next phrase until you get there. Devote your whole self to the part you’re on.


The most important criterion for determinin­g the success or failure of a venture will be how well you connect with others. Nothing else will matter more than a sincere and heartfelt exchange.


Maybe, technicall­y, you can’t make another person happy. But you act, they get happy, and it seems to be entirely related. To whatever extent you can favoruably influence the scene, you will.


You do not expect the story to come with its own moral. Meaning is achieved in the mind of the observer. Order is establishe­d by the person who makes the list.


Today you are the tide, not the shore. You’re naturally pulled to test the boundaries. Like the waves, you’ll touch down in different places, changing the landscape with your every move.


You’ve paid your dues and experience­d more than your share of forced awkwardnes­s. Now, your work finds its own outlet. You’re grateful for all natural progressio­ns.

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