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Men can’t win in current climate


ANYONE else have difficulty scraping up a minuscule of enthusiasm for Internatio­nal Women’s Day during the week?

Same thing every year, the usual speeches from female politician­s, celebritie­s and others spouting the “need” for women to support each other, be stronger, more powerful and united.

What exactly do these women want and when did Australian women become so needy?

Seems nothing is ever good enough.

Apologies given are dismissed as fake and any actions taken to address a perceived wrong are labelled gratuitous or self-serving.

Why? Because they all come from men.

Fact is, if you’re a man, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

The current radical feminists are more aggressive in their pursuit of what they want but also won’t hesitate to shoot down any member of the “sisterhood” who dares go against their narrative.

Australian of the Year Grace Tame, as a victim of sexual assault, had the opportunit­y to do great things during her 12-month stint, but instead somehow managed to turn it into a sideshow.

Her sidekick, Brittany Higgins, reportedly got drunk, went into a parliament­ary building after hours with a man she knew and next day alleged she had been raped.

The allegation was immediatel­y seized upon by the media, who milked the story for all it was worth, with Higgins subsequent­ly lauded both as a victim and leader against sexual assault.

Hang on, did I miss something? When was the trial?

Ah, yes, the trial is yet to be held so the allegation is unproven, but don’t let a little thing like guilt or innocence stand in the way of a good yarn.

To top it off, Prime Minister Scott Morrison stunned the country’s legal fraternity by issuing a public apology to Higgins for something that may – or may not – have occurred.

Fact is, no one should be portrayed as guilty simply because a crime has been alleged against them. That is what our judicial system is for. To allow a jury to reach a decision beyond reasonable doubt based on the evidence before them and without outside interferen­ce from the media, alleged victim or anyone else.

Not surprising­ly, this week ACT’s highest judge issue a stern warning to those talking about the Higgins case about the risk of being held in contempt of court.

Hopefully her words will be taken on board.

Time and again in recent years, we have seen the careers and livelihood­s of men destroyed based purely on allegation­s made by women. If the claims are found genuine, then not a doubt in the world, they should pay the price.

But as it stands, a man accused by a woman, guilty or otherwise, might as well pack his bags.

Now with three grandsons, I have concerns for their future, navigating this radical feminist slant that all women tell the truth, therefore all men are liars

It is neither accurate nor true. Should I tell my grandsons, don’t hold the door open for a


female, she might see it as sexist or demeaning?

Don’t pull a chair out for her to be seated, she might label you condescend­ing.

Don’t stand up for her on public transport because she will think you are making some kind of pass at her.

No I won’t. What I will tell them is to treat everyone, not only women, with courtesy, respect and considerat­ion.

Sure it’s a bit last century and certainly would never satisfy a man-hating radical feminist.

But then, let’s face it, nothing ever will!

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