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Solution in Monday’s paper



1. Ocean floor (6)

4. Inadequate (9)

9. Wail (4)

11. Belonging to us (3)

12. Wonder (3)

13. Distant (4)

15. Concur (5)

16. Tattoo (inf) (3)

17. Hard wood (4)

19. Whisky measure (4)

21. Give off (4)

23. Youngster (inf) (3)

24. A fruit (6)

26. Rove (4)

27. In what way (3)

28. Crucial (3)

30. The end (4)

31. Early Mexican civilisati­on (5)

32. Work of fiction (5)

34. Relating to the nose (5)

35. Gemstone (4)

36. Con trick (4)

38. Part of the spine (4)

39. Trademark name for ballpoint pen (4)

40. Make bare (6)

44. Pot (3)

45. Standard (6)

46. Smudge (4)

48. Uncertain (colloq) (4)

50. First-rate (6)

51. Annoy (3)

53. Point in time (6)

57. Split (4)

58. Invalid (4)

59. Action (4)

61. Nimble (4)

63. Frightenin­g (5)

65. Even (5)

67. Animal scent (5)

68. Musical instrument (4)

69. Take off (3)

70. Fitting (3)

71. Depraved (4)

72. Surround closely (6)

75. Bird (3)

76. Effigy (4)

79. Canticle (4)

81. Surface (4)

82. Have (3)

83. Unjust (5)

84. Engrave (4)

85. Fool (3)

86. Head of a cereal plant (3)

87. Pause (4)

88. Lead a movement (9)

89. Tipsy (6)


1. Completely unclothed (5,5)

2. A rolled “r” (4)

3. Religious or political doctrine (5)

4. Play (5)

5. Abandon (7)

6. Light-hearted (6)

7. Tombstone inscriptio­n (7)

8. Remove (4)

9. Mythical creature (4)

10. Tepid (8)

14. Extension (8)

18. Relating to common cultural tradition (6)

20. Flee from justice (7)

22. Note (4)

25. Grandmothe­r (4)

29. Vote (5)

30. Word the opposite of another (7)

33. Having lived longer (5)

34. Jewish scholar or teacher (5)

36. Melee (5)

37. Once more (5)

41. Give off (5)

42. Tip over (5)

43. Hug (7)

47. Communal pool of money (5)

49. Disloyal (5)

52. Toll (5)

54. Long journey (7)

55. Promoter (8)

56. Greatly (10)

59. Appalling (8)

60. Non-native (6)

62. Petition (4)

63. Neither good nor bad (2-2)

64. Retributio­n (7)

66. Blot on the landscape (7)

69. Bloom (6)

73. Locked up (5)

74. Brief (5)

77. Agreement (4)

78. Defeat (4)

80. Blend together (4)

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