Golf Australia



You can get improved results on the course by simply preparing yourself better before you hit off, especially on the greens.

YOU could be getting better results on the course, simply by preparing yourself better before you hit off, especially on the greens.

I have no doubt you are probably like most amateur golfers I see, whose idea of hitting some practice putts while they wait to tee off means dropping two balls and aimlessly hitting some 20- or 30-foot putts as they chat to a mate.

If this is you, it’s no wonder you have three, four or five threeputts a round.

If you want to get rid of the three-putts you need to have a practice putting green routine.

Find a hole on the putting green and set yourself up about three feet from the cup. Ideally, the putt needs to be a flat one. Now, lay two clubs down creating a channel or path to the hole and start hitting some putts. This will help you work on getting your putts rolling straight, based on correct alignment, as you work the putterhead up and down the ‘channel’. Once you have worked on your alignment, focus on your distance control. For this, drop two balls on the green and hit some putts towards the fringe of the green, anywhere between 15 and 30 feet away. Don’t putt to a hole as this takes away your focus on the speed of the greens. Work on getting the speed correct by trying to putt your ball as close to the fringe as possible without rolling off the green, just as Rickie Fowler is doing here.

This routine will only take you a minimum of eight to ten minutes, but it will be time well spent when you go through the round without a three-putt.

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