Golf Australia



What has been your closest brush with death? Not that close. But as a kid we had horrendous turbulence on a flight to Fiji, which felt close at the time. We dropped a few hundred feet just as drinks were being served. People were hitting the ceiling. My sister still struggles with flying because of that. If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose? Despite my answer to the previous question, I’d love to fly. It would be awesome. Birds get a great deal, I think. If you could travel in time, would you go back or forward? I’d go back. I love history. I’d even go back as far as the dinosaurs. I was obsessed with them as a kid. So it would be cool to see them in the flesh. What is your main passion outside of golf? I played rugby and cricket and tennis growing up, but now I love sea fishing. I got into it maybe eight or nine years ago. What have been the upsides and downside of having a famous father (Grant, who scored 645 points in 45 appearance­s for the All Blacks)? It has never felt anything but normal. He’s always been “Dad.” I’m proud of his achievemen­ts, but he has never been anything other than that for me. Him signing autographs in the street has always just been what he does. What is your earliest memory? Sitting in a changing room after one of my Dad’s rugby matches. I would be three or four. What is your most annoying habit? My fiance would probably say fishing. And I snore apparently. She’s not a fan of that. What scares you most? I’m not a massive fan of sharks. I used to do a bit of surfing and was always aware that they could be swimming around as my legs dangled in the water. That was always in the back of my head. Have you ever said “I love you” and not meant it? Hard question. I don’t think so. What would you be if you weren’t a golfer? Probably a cricketer. My maternal grandfathe­r, Merv Wallace, played for New Zealand. As a teenager, cricket was actually my number-one sport. I was a batsman. If I was playing now I’d be in T-20. I was good at getting to 30 quickly then getting out. I hit a lot of fours and sixes. Have you got any regrets in life? Not taking golf seriously sooner. I didn’t play my first proper tournament until I was 18. What would you change about the world? If we could get rid of terrorism the world would be a better place. It is a plague on the planet. Who would play you in the movie of your life? Tom Hardy. He’s a great actor. He swears a lot. I can too (laughs). Do you have any hidden talents? I can play the guitar a bit. I’ve been practising for more than a decade now. What’s your favourite food? (Laughs) All my mates would say, “doughnuts.” But I’m going to say steak. What is the best thing about being from New Zealand? Having it as home. It is just a great place to be. I just wish I was there more often. Where would you like to go for the first time? The Seychelles. I want to go fishing for “Giant Trevally.” I’ve caught one at 40k, but they are even bigger in the Seychelles. They are so big they can actually jump out of the water and eat birds.


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