Golf Australia



IT IS six years since Dimi Papadatos burst onto the profession­al golf scene by claiming the New Zealand Open and has claimed another three titles since. Here, the popular New South Welshman discusses how he has coped during COVID-19, refining his skills on the course and elsewhere, while also revealing a sporting history one might not expect.

What have you been doing to pass the time without tournament golf?

I’ve just been doing a lot of fishing and a bit more fishing. Definitely fishing three times the amount of golf.

When you have been working on your game, have you been working on anything specific while you have had the chance to? Or has it been more just generally playing and practising? I’ve been playing and practising a little bit, but doing a bit more fitness than usual because we obviously don’t have any tournament­s on at the moment. So, getting a consistent routine training, and just a little bit of practise to tick it over until something comes up on the schedule.

How does your game feel at the moment and what can you do to stay sharp in a period of no events?

My game feels ok, not great. I would probably give it like a five or six out of 10. I have been playing a few cash games here and there with the boys and do a little bit of practise. But none of us are really tournament sharp at all.

Usually coming into a tournament, probably four weeks out we are all starting to do a lot of work every single day, which makes a difference when playing the events. But I wouldn’t say anyone locally is really firing on all cylinders at the moment and if they are, they are just loving playing and practising. But it is pretty hard I think without any tournament­s to work towards.

The Aussie schedule has changed a little with the Australian Open moving to early next year. You have played well in that period in the past, winning the Vic Open and NZ Open, do you think the change will suit? I don’t think it will make too much difference. I seem to like coming off a bit of a break, I tend to play alright, because I am a bit more refreshed. But I have played well at the end of the year as well, so I don’t think it will

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