Golf Australia



What was your first car and what do you drive now? My first car was a manual Ford Saturn and now I’ve got a Porsche Cayenne Turbo, so a bit of an upgrade.

What was your first job before golf?

I worked with my Dad’s constructi­on crew doing labour, getting the mud ready, shoveling and cleaning up after them.

What’s your most embarrassi­ng moment on the course?

I mean, I’ve acted like an idiot on the golf course once or twice and in the modern world that’s not fun because it’s always straight on social media. I probably should have been embarrasse­d when I slipped and fell on my butt at Augusta in 2021, but that was just pretty funny.

What’s the most money you’ve ever gambled on the golf course?

Around $20k, maybe. I must’ve won because I definitely don’t remember having to give anybody else the money!

Who’s the most famous person in your phonebook?

Well, Tiger’s pretty famous. And I’ve got Michael Jordan in there. Pretty tough to choose between those guys…

What was the hardest day you’ve ever had on the golf course?

My 84 at Memorial earlier this year was a tough one. That’s definitely the toughest one in recent memory.

Which player would you least like to caddie for?

Man, that’s a f**king question right there! Are you trying to get me in trouble? Rather than a specific name, I’ll just say I could never caddie for a player who’s willing to throw in the towel. If you’re playing bad, just keep grinding it out, even if we miss the cut by eight shots. I couldn’t work with someone who gives up too easily.

What has been your closest brush with death?

My Dad and I were playing a course in Alabama and the weather moved in out of nowhere. Next thing you know we were driving back to the clubhouse in the storm and a bolt of lightning struck about 40 yards away from us. It was pretty frightenin­g. I don’t want to come much closer than that!

Given the power, what one thing would you change in golf?

Slow play. Guys not being ready to hit when it’s their turn frustrate the hell out of me. It’s amazing how slow play impacts your partners and the lack of criticism that comes from that. They’re hurting their playing partners who are playing in time. The only way to fix it is to actually start penalising them with shots – they’ll soon start playing more quickly, trust me.

If you can only name one, where’s your favourite city to play golf?

It’s tough not to say London. I can’t think of many cities that would beat it with the quality of courses around it. I love it. Surrey is incredible. And London is a great city off the course, too.

What about your favourite course?

I love playing Bethpage. I’ve played it two or three times now. It’s fun playing in front of those fans with their energy. Yeah, they can be a little boisterous and there are plenty of comments, but they can carry you to victory. And it’s a great course.

Making the 2025 Ryder Cup there must be a big goal for you, then?

Oh yeah, it’s going to be a crazy sh*t show! Being there is a massive target for me over the next couple of years.

What would you prefer to do: win a Major or hole the winning putt in the Ryder Cup?

What a question. Can it be the Ryder Cup at Bethpage (laughs)? Right now, where my career stands, I have to take the Major because I’ve accomplish­ed a lot, but there are still two things missing and that’s to win a Major and be part of a victorious Ryder Cup team. One of them is more selfish than the other, and I love the team vibe, but golf is largely about individual accolades. Ultimately, that’s how history will judge us.

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