
When I do less…


I feel calmer – often this is when new ideas flow.

When I disconnect…

from technology it gives my mind space to be more creative.

I have learnt to live without…

clutter. It’s refreshing to pare back to basics.

I set boundaries around…

my time. I make time for family and friends, and try to go for a surf weekly.

Calm is…

visiting the ocean. The power of the waves keep things in perspectiv­e.

Change is…

what you make of it.

When it comes to order and chaos in my life…

I try to find the middle ground.

I care less about…

expectatio­ns. I’m interested in creating my own story.

I care more about…

creating something authentic.

My life feels meaningful when…

I’m achieving my goals.

What’s important in my life now is…

being close to friends and family, living simply and making the most of every moment.

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