
Life hacks facts

Tips, tricks and remedies that will change how you go about everyday tasks, for the better.


Let lemons do the hard work

A natural disinfecta­nt and stain remover because of their acidity, cleaning with lemons will leave your home with a pleasant scent. Squeeze the juice of a lemon onto a cutting board to bleach stains. Leave until the stains disappear, then rinse. For grout stains, make a paste from lemon juice and a teaspoon of cream of tartar, and apply to the area with a toothbrush. Rinse with water. And, if you put half a lemon in a bowl of water and microwave for 45 seconds, stains will be easier to clean and odours will be eliminated. Sustain by Christina Strutt

Digital detox

Find an hour each day where you force yourself to give up the screen. Start teaching yourself to ignore it when it beeps, buzzes or vibrates. This is your time, not your device’s.

Dr Christophe­r Smithmyer

Wrapping it all up

Presentati­on is the first impression of a gift and in many cultures (such as Japan, Tibet and India) an integral part of it. Giving something wrapped in a beautiful piece of cloth, be it a linen wrap or an ornate tea towel, cuts down on the waste of paper and layers the gesture. Savvy Chic by

Anna Johnson

Think happy thoughts about sleep

By looking forward to being cosy in your bed with nothing to do but rest, you can flip the switch in your brain and make sleep a new friend rather than a long-time enemy. The Calm & Cozy Book of Sleep by Beth Wyatt

Freeze fresh herbs

A great way to keep fresh herbs that are beginning to wilt is to put them in ice cube trays with water and freeze them. Now you will always have fresh herbs at hand. Fiona, Leeston for lovefoodha­

Don’t let email take over your work

The typical office worker spends about half his or her day working through emails, and research finds that the more time you spend on email, the lower your productivi­ty and the higher your stress levels. If you are constantly tempted to read and reply, make your own email office hours and give yourself space to enjoy your job without interrupti­on – even if it’s just turning off email for 30 minutes a day. Joy at Work by Marie Kondo

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