


Commit to a snack on exercise

for at least four minutes a day.

Tell someone supportive what you’re doing

so they can encourage you.

Plan the best time of day

to suit your lifestyle.

Give yourself a visual reminder

by ticking each day off on the calendar.

Get a friend to join you

and keep each other accountabl­e.

Choose a reward

that you can look forward to once you’ve kept it up for a month.

Link your snacks to regular events throughout your day

as a reminder and to help you form a strong habit. e.g. after you use the bathroom, each time you get a text message or before each meal.

Do something useful as your snack

like cycling to the shops, vacuuming under the furniture, pulling weeds or chopping wood.

Share your success with others

and keep spreading the positive ripple. The more friends and colleagues that join you the more easily it becomes a part of your lifestyle.

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