

- Carolyn Enting, editor

Tyounr wdellbeing aking in hand can be very empowering, I’ve discovered recently.

In April, I staged a personal health interventi­on on myself as I was feeling sluggish and bloated. I signed up to Dr Libby’s 28-day Detox – an online course that supports and guides you to eliminate liver loaders. At the end of the cycle I wrote in my diary, “My mind is clearer. I have an improved mindset. I feel curious. It’s like I’ve been reborn. I feel inspired and motivated.”

This was the result of eating only wholefoods and making water my main drink.

We often place our personal wellbeing at the end of a massive to-do list – I’m certainly guilty – putting others and work first, and let’s face it, it’s often di icult to find motivation to exercise when the weather isn’t on form.

What I’ve recently discovered is you can give so much more of yourself to you, others and the world when you’re charging on all cylinders and this issue of Good is packed with wellbeing tips and informatio­n to support you through winter: see our Winter Wellness guide (pages 16-23) and Wendyl Nissen’s immunity boosters (pages 26-30).

We also look at the wellbeing of wildlife and our precious planet, and profile inspiring environmen­talist Jamie Joseph of Saving the Wild, who is helping protect the Kimana Wildlife Corridor in Kenya and the last of the African elephant great tuskers. Devastatin­gly, as this issue went to print, Tolstoy (one of less than 20 great tuskers left in the world), died aged 51 after being speared by a farmer defending his crops. That same week, Jamie and Saving the Wild exposed two corrupt Kruger National Park rangers who were subsequent­ly arrested for corruption, money laundering and fraud linked to wildlife tra icking.

When it comes to these issues – just like our health – we can’t just keep burying our heads in the sand like ostriches.*

You can find out how to support the incredible and important work that Saving the Wild are doing on page 98.

In other big news, the Best of Natural Awards are back!

Good is excited to once again be partnering with HealthPost and it feels good to be setting the standard for excellence in the natural, ethical and environmen­tal space.

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