
Takakau Tīhi Cheese Scones


My dad makes the world’s best cheese scones. When I was young, we’d go to church on Sunday mornings and then gather with whānau or friends to share a roast lunch. On Sunday nights, Dad always made cheese scones for dinner. Here’s my twist on his recipe. Makes 9 large scones

Ngā Takakau | The Scones

Kia toru kapu puehu parāoa

3 cups flour

Kia whā kokoiti pēkana paura

4 teaspoons baking powder (heaped)

Kia hauwhā kapu riki amiami

¼ cup finely chopped fresh chives (or 2 teaspoons dried chives)

Kia hauwhā kapu kīnaki aniana

¼ cup caramelise­d onion (store-bought)

Kia kotahi kokonui huka

1 tablespoon sugar

Kia kotahi kokoiti tote

1 teaspoon salt

Kia 180 karamu tīhi

180 grams cheese (cheddar)

Kia kotahi me te hauwā kapu miraka

1¼ cups milk

Whakamahan­atia te umu kia 200 te pāmahana. Heat the oven to 200°C. Grease a baking tray. Place the puehu parāoa, pēkana paura, riki amiami, kīnaki aniana, huka and tote in a large bowl.

Waruwaruti­a te tīhi ki roto i te oko. Grate the cheese into the bowl. Toss it through the flour mixture, rubbing it in with your fingertips.

Āta riringihia atu te miraka ki roto. Slowly pour in the milk. Mix it through with a butter knife until a rough dough comes together. Add an extra tablespoon of milk if the dough seems dry. Tip it on to a lightly floured bench and knead gently until it just comes together. Don’t overdo it or your scones will be tough. Pat the dough out onto the tray until it’s about 2 cm thick. Cut into 9 pieces. Sprinkle on the following topping.

Te Paparanga Tīhi | The Cheese Topping

Kia 70 karamu tīhi kua waruwaruhi­a

70 grams grated cheese

Kia kotahi kokonui kīnaki aniana

1 tablespoon caramelise­d onion (store-bought)

Kia kotahi kokoiti māhitete

1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard

Kia hauwhā kapu kākano

¼ cup seeds (sunflower and pumpkin)

Whakaranuh­ia ngā kai katoa. Mix all the ingredient­s together.

Ruia ki runga i te pokenga takakau. Sprinkle over the scone dough. Bake the scones for 20 minutes or until they spring back when touched. Remove from the oven and let the scones sit for 5 minutes, then serve with tomato chutney.

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