
Karaka Ōti Me Ngā Kākano Oat and Seed Crackers


These wheat-free crackers are another great addition to a platter or lunch boxes. While the chia seeds are an essential ingredient (they help the cracker mixture to bind together), feel free to exchange any of the other seeds or nuts with ones you have in your pantry. Makes 80 crackers

Kia hauwhā kapu kākano harakeke

¼ cup flax seeds

Kia hauwhā kapu kākano paukena

¼ cup pumpkin seeds

Kia hauwhā kapu kākano putirā

¼ cup sunflower seeds

Kia haurua kapu wōnati

½ cup walnuts

Kia kotahi me te hauwhā kapu ōti

1¼ cups rolled oats

Kia 2 kokonui rohirama māota, kia iti te waruwaru

2 tablespoon­s fresh rosemary, finely chopped

Kia kotahi kokoiti tote

1 teaspoon salt

Kia rua kokonui marahihi ampere

2 tablespoon­s maple syrup

Kia kotahi kokoiti pēkana paura

1 teaspoon baking powder

Kia toru kokonui kākano chia

3 tablespoon­s chia seeds

Kia toru hauwhā kapu wai wera

¾ cup hot water

Kia 50 karamu pata

50 grams butter

Whakamahan­atia te umu kia 170 te pāmahana. Heat the oven to 170°C.

Using a food processor, chop up the kākano harakeke, paukena and putirā, wōnati, ōti and rohimere. Don’t worry if some of the nuts remain chunky.

Maka atu te ranunga kākano ki rō oko. Add the seed mixture into a bowl. Raua atu te tote, marahihi māpere, pēkana paura me ngā kākano chia. Add the salt, maple syrup, baking powder and chia seeds. Riringihia atu te wai wera ki tētahi tiaka. Pour the hot water into a jug. Raua atu te pata. Add the butter. Once the butter is melted, pour it into the seed and oat mixture.

Whakaranuh­ia – mix to combine. Cover and set aside for 1 hour, until all the hot water is absorbed.

Roll out half of the dough between two sheets of baking paper into a 2mm-thick rectangle measuring 25 x 32 cm. Using a ruler and a large knife, cut 40 rectangles measuring 5 x 8 cm to create the shape for the crackers. Repeat with the second half of the dough. Place the baking paper with the cut crackers onto two large trays.

Tunua ia paepae mō te 20 ki te 25 miniti, kia koura. Bake each tray for 20-25 minutes, until golden.

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