

- centreforb­ laurenpars­onswellbei­

Sarah Tuck

Good mag is lucky enough to have Sarah Tuck as its editorial director! She also happens to be the editor of Good’s sister publicatio­n, dish, and is a brilliant media strategist, baker, recipe creator, photograph­er, stylist, book author and creative with a great eye, and she brings tremendous passion to everything she does. Sarah’s recipes are a regular feature in Good, and she had a hand in styling Good’s 15th birthday cake on page 78.

Ben Warren

Ben is a former clinical nutritioni­st and founder of a popular wellness brand. In 2019 Ben experience­d a profound lifechangi­ng awakening that led him away from his corporate lifestyle to embrace a new way of living. From a place of ‘being’ opposed to ‘doing’, he created the Centre for Beingness and now lives a very simple life in the Mahia Pennisular, Hawke’s Bay, where he continues to explore what it means to ‘be’, via friends, community, surfing, meditation, kirtan and simple, delicious food and co ee. He loves to share his experience­s and the terroir of his events are light and earthy with lasting chocolaty tones.

Lauren Parsons

Lauren is an award-winning wellbeing specialist with more than 20 years’ experience, who helps leaders boost sta wellbeing and productivi­ty. TEDx speaker, consultant, author of Thriving Leaders, Thriving Teams and Real Food Less Fuss and host of the Thrive TV Show. Lauren, her husband and their three children have been displaced due to cyclone Gabrielle flooding (check out Lauren’s moving story on goodmagazi­ Lauren loves hosting dinner parties, playing board games and walking/running in nature.

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