
YOUR feedback


Kia Ora,

My whanāu and I live in a tiny little area in the middle of nowhere on a little farm surrounded by rugged mountains and far from any shops or people; we recently read your magazine at a café in our nearest town (Kaitaia).

We (and I do mean ‘we’ as all four of us enjoyed a read through) really enjoyed reading through Good magazine, it had something for everyone and led to a few really good discussion­s on our long drive home after lunch. It was so nice to see my whole family put down their phones and forget about checking what the rest of the world is doing to have a proper conversati­on.

I loved the direction of your articles as I felt they let me make up my own mind and didn’t push me in one direction. It was honest and exciting, I think that’s hard to find in this world.

Your magazine is inspiring, true and insightful! Thank you for all your hard mahi, we really appreciate it even all the way from the very very far north!

Ngā mihi,

Charlotte India Rose

Wendyl Nissen’s reflection­s on being a ‘slack vegetarian’ – or flexitaria­n – chimed with me. My husband calls himself a flexitaria­n, and we have been eating more vegetarian meals, but recently he has upped his red meat intake, because of his low iron levels. So, it was an ‘aha’ moment to read how Wendyl’s nutritiona­l guru also ate a monthly steak, rather than take supplement­s.

I also loved her approach to the comment, ‘I don’t eat that’; having had similar experience­s when I’ve served up a meal. Mealtimes are for sharing, and we ‘break bread together’, as it were. Sharing food and conversati­on at a dinner table is just so important.

Wendyl is my kind of vegetarian!

Liz Hay

I was so inspired by Wendyl’s feature on becoming a “slack vegetarian” borne out of her feelings on the supermarke­t duopoly that I immediatel­y took a leaf from her book.

Last week, I began a concerted e ort to support the smaller producers in our area and spend as little as possible at the supermarke­t.

We already buy our meat, fish and most of our vege from independen­t suppliers and get our bamboo toilet paper delivered, but I was interested to see what else I could find.

I bought all our fresh food from the farmers’ market, wine from a nearby vineyard, spices, nuts, curry paste and coconut from our Asian food store.

I grabbed milk at the dairy and when I was refilling our body wash container at our local health food store, bought some laundry supplies and a shampoo bar there too.

All our meals (and our washing!) for the week were taken care of beautifull­y. But I came unstuck when I needed baking soda! I just couldn’t find it anywhere but the supermarke­t in our small town.

Still, I’m going to stick to Wendyl’s philosophy and continue my quest to back the little guys (and enjoy the fresh food they supply us) as much as I possibly can.

Fiona Fraser

What a vibrant cover this month. I’d let my subscripti­on lapse but when I saw that contagious grin of Nici Wickes I just had to buy this month’s issue. I loved it from cover to cover. Thank you. It was the perfect escapism for me.

Gaye Austin

GOOD magazine is THE MAGAZINE to bring when sitting outdoors, to enjoy in nature along with a cold cup of lemon ice tea. It is a part of relaxation!

Gwon in Clutha

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