


Makes approx. 20

This is the ultimate slice to take as a plate, give as a gift or simply have with a cuppa after dinner... or after lunch... or just whenever you like!

200 grams butter 395-gram can condensed milk

¼ cup strong co ee 2 cups shelled walnuts chopped walnuts for sprinkling (optional)

500 grams vanilla biscuits (see tips and tricks), crushed

Co ee Icing

2 cups sifted icing sugar 2 tablespoon­s melted butter ¼ cup strong co ee

Prepare a 22cm square tin. Melt together the butter and condensed milk in a large pot on a low heat.

Remove from the heat and pour in the co ee. Add the walnuts (they do not need to be chopped) and crushed biscuits. Use a dough whisk to combine the ingredient­s.

Press the mixture into the prepared tin. Use paper towels (triple thickness) to press down on the surface of the base mixture. This will create an even surface and soak up any excess butter.

Transfer to the fridge for 1 hour to chill and harden.

While the base chills, prepare the icing. Sift the icing sugar into a medium-sized bowl. Add the melted butter and co ee, then stir until smooth.

Use a bent palette knife or a small spatula to spread the icing over the base. Add chopped walnuts (if using) to the top for a more rustic look. Return to the fridge for another hour to set. Slice into pieces as big as you like (I usually get around 20 pieces). Store in an airtight tin or container in a cool place for up to a week.

Tips and tricks

• 500 grams of biscuit crumbs is the equivalent of two packets of New Zealand-branded vanilla biscuits. • We have a walnut tree on the farm and each year I save a big bag of walnuts to use in my cooking throughout the year. If you don’t have a walnut tree handy, find someone who does – walnuts left lying on the ground can attract vermin, so I’m sure they won’t mind you gathering up a bag.

• If you don’t have walnuts, you can substitute with any other variety of nut.

• If you have a nut allergy, then you could use rolled oats or dates in the base to add extra texture.

• The tin size is a rough guide. This slice will taste great in any slice tin you have. The thickness is all that will be a ected.

• If your icing is too runny, add more icing sugar in small amounts until you get the consistenc­y you want (tablespoon­fuls at a time).

• If your icing is too dry, add small amounts of boiling water to get the consistenc­y you want.

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