


Serves 6

A Kiwi classic that I grew up with, but I have turned up the volume by adding a boozy twist (you can replace this with water or cream if you’d prefer). It’s a pudding made for cosy, relaxing days at home, with just the kick you and your family are after. Fab for dinner parties – and eating the leftovers straight from the fridge, Nigella-style, is always a welcome treat, too.

1¾ cup (220 grams) almond meal

¼ cup coconut sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder ⅓ cup (40 grams) cacao powder or good-quality cocoa powder big pinch of sea salt

1 cup milk of your choice (I used almond)

2 eggs, whisked

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 30 cardamom pods, bashed 70 grams butter, melted

100 grams dark chocolate, cut into rough chunks ¼ cup hazelnuts, chopped

Boozy sauce

¼ cup coconut sugar big pinch of sea salt 3 tablespoon­s cacao powder or good-quality cocoa powder

⅓ cup alcohol (such as Tia Maria, Baileys, Kahlúa, rum) 1⅔ cup water

Preheat the oven to 180°C and butter a gratin-type pudding dish (approximat­ely 20cm x 25cm).

For the sauce, combine the ingredient­s in a saucepan over medium heat and whisk well. Bring to a simmer, then taste, adjust if necessary and set aside.

For the pudding, combine the almond meal, coconut sugar, baking powder, cacao powder and salt in a bowl. Create a well in the centre of the mixture and add milk, eggs, vanilla, cardamom and melted butter. Mix to combine, then fold through the chopped chocolate.

Pour the mixture into your greased dish and spread it out evenly. Scatter with hazelnuts and pour the sauce very gently over the pudding. Place it in the oven with a larger dish underneath it to catch any potential overflow. Bake for 30 minutes, until the cake is set on top and an inserted skewer comes out mostly clean. Serve hot, warm or cold with cream or icecream if it suits.

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