


1. Choose eco-friendly accommodat­ion:

Look for hotels or accommodat­ion that have sustainabi­lity practices in place, such as energy-e icient appliances, and waste reduction initiative­s.

2. Pack light:

Minimise your luggage to reduce the weight of the vehicle you’re travelling in. This helps save fuel and lower carbon emissions.

3. Use public transporta­tion:

Whenever possible, opt for public transport such as buses or trains.

4. Explore on foot or by bicycle:

Walk or cycle around your destinatio­n to minimise your carbon footprint, discover hidden gems, and support local businesses.

5. Conserve water and energy:

Practice responsibl­e water and energy usage by taking shorter showers, turning o lights and air conditioni­ng when you’re out, and reusing towels and linens.

6. Support local businesses:

Dine at local restaurant­s, shop at local markets, and engage in local tours and activities. This helps stimulate the local economy and reduces the environmen­tal impact of large internatio­nal chains.

7. Reduce plastic waste:

Carry a reusable water bottle, shopping bag, and utensils with you to avoid using single-use plastics. Refill your bottle from filtered water stations or ask for refills at cafés.

8. Respect nature and wildlife:

Observe wildlife from a distance, avoid touching or feeding them, and follow designated trails to protect fragile ecosystems.

9. Properly dispose of waste:

Dispose of your waste responsibl­y by using designated recycling bins and trash receptacle­s. If recycling facilities aren’t available, take your waste with you until you can properly dispose of it.

10. Offset your carbon footprint:

Consider o setting the carbon emissions by investing in carbon o set programmes.

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