


One of Them Shaneel Lal, Allen & Unwin NZ, $37

A powerful memoir by Shaneel Lal – Young New Zealander of the Year and founder of the Conversion Therapy Action Group, which led the movement to successful­ly ban conversion therapy in Aotearoa in 2021. A story of one person’s fight for the right to live their life and protect others.

A Disappeara­nce in Fiji Nilima Rao, Echo Publishing, $37

Set in 1914 Fiji, Akal Singh would rather be anywhere else after being sent to this far-flung colony as punishment for a profession­al mistake. When an indentured Indian woman goes missing, he agrees to take the case but soon finds himself far more invested than he could’ve imagined.

Eat Up New Zealand: The Bach Edition Al Brown, Allen & Unwin NZ, $50

This new edition of Brown’s Eat Up

New Zealand includes new recipes aimed at easy bach living. Scrumptiou­s vege options that caught our eye include fresh porcini and Swiss cheese toasties with tru le salt, and crisp Parmesan-crumbed globe artichokes! There are more than 150 recipes and plenty of ideas for using the day’s catch too, if you love fish and fishing.

Second Chances Hayley Holt, HarperColl­ins NZ, $40

Raw and honest, Holt doesn’t attempt to sugar-coat the truth about her journey to sobriety, ADHD diagnosis, devastatin­g stillbirth, having the courage to face up to mistakes and learning that the deepest pain can be followed by the greatest joy.

Love & Autism Kay Kerr, Macmillan, $38

Kay Kerr, acclaimed autistic author, presents a front row seat to what it means to be autistic and to love. A beautiful, nuanced, heart-warming, and immersive and joyful read, Kerr shares that love has always intrigued her, “in part because I carried for a long time a feeling that I was doing love wrong”.

Every Night of the Week Veg Lucy Tweed, Murdoch Books, $45

Meat-free meal ideas from the witty Lucy Tweed with “a zero tolerance to bland” and “meat-free beyond Monday”. Say hello to Toned-down Tuesdays, Saucy Wet Wednesdays, Carbs-Filled-With-Things Thursdays, Phat Snack Fridays, Bold and Beautiful Saturday Salads and Sunday Oeufs “because when you say it in French, it’s sexier”.

The Burned Letter Helene Ritchie, HR Press, $40

During the Holocaust, Lidi flees and arrives in New Zealand a Jewish refugee. She then burns the letter written to her detailing what happened to those she loved most. ‘They’ remain a mystery to her daughter, author Helene Ritchie, who spends 50 years searching for her family.

Good with Money Lisa Dudson, Upstart Press, $40

Wealth educator Lisa Dudson’s easy-to-digest new book really makes cents! It includes eight simple steps to ditch your debts, grow your savings and live your best life. Timely when costs and interest rates are spiralling. It is more important than ever to become financiall­y savvy.

Who Made All the Pies? Wendy Morgan, Bateman Books, $38

Mouth-watering recipes from a pie expert who has lived and breathed pies her whole life. Morgan’s renowned Canterbury family pie shop, Hillyer’s Bakery, took Kiwi pies to a whole level, and is even rumoured to have been the first to make steak and cheese pies. Morgan includes family recipes as well as many delicious vegetarian options.

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