
YOUR feedback


What’s not to love. In a world that is running on hardship and bad news, I’m mindful of the negative exposure and its impact that can have. So to have positive, local, mindful and hopeful moments, stories, news, recipes, competitio­ns which I always enter, I consider Good magazine part of my wellbeing. Create my happy space and read, learn, go ohhh and arrr… it’s personal, it’s sunshine from gloom. Articles that inspire, for someone who has a short attention span, you have got my attention. My something to enjoy. Stories that remind me that people are doing great things, innovation and wellbeing is in many hearts and minds, that’s what this magazine offers, a star amongst the clouds of pollution we are exposed to daily. Thank you.

Wiki Ngawaka

I absolutely love the May-June Good Mood Food!

I’ve made the homemade baked beans, chocolate cake and chocolate chunk cookies all multiple times.

Nici Wickes For the Love of Food is so inspiring.

And I always love doing the word find – such an awesome way to zen out for me!

I love it all! Thank you!

Amanda Howley-Rouse

Home in New Zealand after being overseas for 10 years, I picked up a copy of your magazine with my groceries. I was so happy I did! It proves to me (yet again) that

New Zealand is leading the world with natural and sustainabl­e living, taking the best of world influences and our own abundant ingenuity and making something uniquely Kiwi!

Also, the feature on Nici Wickes and her approach to home cooking inspired me to go back to basics with how I cook. Using what you have in a creative way to nourish your body, mind and soul. Great work on this issue! I’m really impressed.

Nina Anderson

I loved my Good magazine this month, with the weather not conducive to going out I read it from cover to cover, did the word search and then turned the page to see the Nature’s Beauty to colour in. I find colouring in so relaxing. Brilliant magazine guys.

Shelley Cosford

Good magazine is so informativ­e in many areas for healthy and higher levels of living. The best advice and ideas for many different types of people.

Pamela Cusack

Hello Good. Love your magazine.

So easy to read, and a magazine you read cover to cover. I love sitting in front of the fire in winter and reading with the dogs snuggled up.

Great skin care products and sustainabl­e items to read about.

Enjoyed reading about Stacey Morrison and learning more about Matariki.

Always delicious recipes to make, I loved the ‘One and only chocolate cake’ in issue 87. Delicious. Thanks for a great read and me time.

Elaine Vermeer

Issue 87 was a fab issue of Good magazine. Love Nici Wickes anyway (if you haven’t you need to follow her on Instagram as she does the most fun cooking clips. She is a total natural on camera) and the article about her did not disappoint. Inspiratio­nal as always.

The recipes in this issue were fantastic – I have a number bookmarked and can’t wait to cook them!

Wilma Rozema

 ?? ?? Elaine Vermeer
Elaine Vermeer
 ?? ?? Shelley Cosford
Shelley Cosford

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