


Grace Ellis

Grace is a communicat­ions specialist for Kiwi aid and developmen­t organisati­on Tearfund. She recently went on a media trip to the Solomons and Fiji to collect content for Tearfund, only to discover the Pacific Islands face a major problem – human tra icking and sexual exploitati­on – which she writes about on page 96. Grace has a particular passion for advocating on behalf of those who have been exploited through her writing. She hopes that through stories like this one, women, men and children will find freedom. She lives with her husband, Rhys and Labrador, Nova in New Plymouth.

Niki Bezzant

Niki is an award-winning journalist, editor and author who has built a reputation for translatin­g complex health and science into easy-to-understand, useful informatio­n. Niki has been involved in media for over 20 years. She was founding editor of

Healthy Food Guide magazine and is a frequent contributo­r to print, online and broadcast media. Her bestsellin­g book This Changes Everything: the honest guide to menopause and perimenopa­use, was published in 2022 and her next book on healthy ageing for women will be released in April 2024. In her spare time she can be found scouring vintage markets for treasure or sewing her own garments.

Tamsin George

Good welcomes Tamsin as its new deputy editor! Tamsin has worked in magazines across many lifestyle titles throughout her career. As a former beauty editor, she has learned the importance of staying sun smart and shares the updates with the new Sunscreen Act on page 40. She loves to stay fit and active with running, fishing and Pilates, and lives on Auckland’s North Shore with her partner and two teenage daughters.

 ?? ?? Grace @tearfundnz
Grace @tearfundnz
 ?? ?? Niki
 ?? ?? Tamsin

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