

- Good goodmagazi­ @goodmagazi­nenz goodmag Carolyn Enting, editor

Ah, summer… As I write this, Pink’s song Cover Me in Sunshine is a welcome earworm that speaks to lazy hazy days and good times ahead. Fish and chips by the beach. Ice cream. Fun road trips with family, friends and loved ones. Camping and star gazing. Sea swims and a well-needed dose of vitamin D.

And when it comes to summer entertaini­ng, the failsafe recipes this issue have your back for Christmas and the holiday break. We’ve also included a robust camping checklist, seasonal craft projects, good reads; and a bumper puzzle section.

Plus, the team has even put together a road trip playlist with more than six hours of handpicked songs to cruise to (see page 92 for QR code).

And nothing quite says “cover me in sunshine” like our cover featuring the inspiratio­nal Petra Bagust in a “sunflower” yellow sundress.

We caught up with Petra to talk all things Grey Areas – the name of her hit podcast that lifts the taboo on perimenopa­use and menopause. Petra shares why she feels excited, challenged, curious and positive about ageing intentiona­lly (page 14).

Niki Bezzant gives the low down on why menopause does not mean the end of our sex lives (page 28).

And, Wendyl Nissen gets her sparkle back (page 22), though sadly we also farewell her as a regular columnist in this issue.

Wendyl recently made the big shift from the country back to city living and is excited about taking her life in a new direction and sometimes that means letting some things go, to create space for new opportunit­ies. We thank her for her wonderful contributi­on to Good over the past two years and wish her well.

It also inspires the question, ‘what do you want to create space for in 2024?’.

Happy holidays!

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