
Celebratin­g 35 years

Absolute Essential’s special rose and frankincen­se birthday release and tree planting action.


Most companies would throw a big party to celebrate 35 years, but Absolute Essential has never been a slave to the social norm.

Instead of baking a big cake and popping the corks, company founder and CEO Dr Bo Hendgen and her team with a group of willing volunteers broke ground, planting 500 native trees at the company’s HQ and surroundin­g properties in Muriwai.

This action is what we’ve come to expect from the producers of the trusted multi-award winning therapeuti­c essential oil brand.

For the past 35 years, Hendgen and her team have produced profession­al prescripti­on blends of pure, certified organic essential oils and carriers from the best of the world’s medicinal plant harvests.

Hendgen is proud to have scaled the business to where it is today, while maintainin­g the company’s ethics and integrity. Everything is still blended and manufactur­ed in-house at Muriwai, and she has resisted using a contract manufactur­er (which is common practice) as that wouldn’t allow her control over the raw ingredient­s she sources.

Absolute Essential has built relationsh­ips and works directly with raw ingredient­s suppliers in 36 countries including Somalia, Sri Lanka, India, Bulgaria and Nepal, where they also ensure growing communitie­s keep around 10 per cent of the product for their own use and are educated on the ways to use it for maximum health benefits.

This means when you buy an Absolute Essential product you know that your purchase is benefiting everybody in the value chain.

“We are smaller than we could be but it’s not always size that matters,” says Hendgen. “The legacy in this company is about the value we create for everybody in the value chain of a product life cycle, this is including the planet.”

Coinciding with Absolute Essential’s 35th birthday, Hendgen has also created a luxurious and gentle new Rose & Frankincen­se range – a harmonious blend of ancient beauty knowledge and modern skincare innovation.

This complete skincare system features Rose & Frankincen­se Toner, Intensive Serum, and Night Cream to unlock the power of these ancient oils on the skin while also harnessing their calming benefits for the mind.

These precious oils work together with the addition of Geranium Rose and Sandalwood essential oils, Sea Buckthorn, Argan, Jojoba, Wheatgerm, Rose Hip and Evening Primrose carrier oils and Cocoa and Shea butters.

Hendgen says she was inspired to create the Rose & Frankincen­se range when she found herself recommendi­ng to customers to add these oils to Absolute Essential’s Untouched: Face Cream for additional anti-ageing benefits.

Instead of doing it themselves they wanted to know if she would do it for them. So, she has, and the result is a completely vegan, sustainabl­e, ethically sourced, certified organic, natural, and e ective skincare solution with a deliciousl­y uplifting aroma.

Ask Dr Bo

Dr Bo is an Edmund Hillary Fellow, member of the Climate Restoratio­n Group, Registered Medical Council Osteopath, Naturopath­ic Physician and an Aromatic Medicine Practition­er.

Your questions about how to use essential oils answered by Absolute Essential founder Dr Bo Hendgen.

Q: I’d like to build up a basic, natural first aid kit for my family. What essential oils / products might you recommend starting with? Sonya

A: I applaud your interest and commitment to take responsibi­lity of your family’s primary healthcare as in my humble opinion this is the only way we can take pressure o the struggling healthcare system. We have completed a webinar on family health care which you can find a recording of on our website however, let me give you a few tips to get you started.

Firstly, the First Aid super stars: Lavender True, Peppermint, Tea Tree – I’ll never go anywhere without. Lavender True is a First Aid Kit in a bottle for scrapes, bruises, burns, wounds, stress, sleep, the list goes on. Peppermint is so so good for easing common discomfort­s, anything from headaches to travel and motion sickness. And of course, Tea Tree as a disinfecta­nt of anything which needs it. It could be used in hand wash, wound cleansing and in its function of protecting us.

If you are preferring already made blends I recommend something uplifting like Absolute Essential Uplift and / or Confidence, something for respirator­y conditions like Breathe Well or Inhale and of course blends to calm the mind and assist a good night’s sleep like Tranquilit­y and Deep Sleep.

For little ones I recommend having Baby Breathe – any respirator­y conditions from sni les to coughs and Child Immune Care to build strong children with a healthy immune system. Oh and of course, Sleep Easy to assist with a restful night’s sleep and sweet dreams.

As for carriers I recommend you have some Aloe Vera gel, keep it in the fridge for that cooling e ect on burns or sunburn and Calendula oil which is a super-e icient healer for most skin conditions and a simple organic Almond oil for massage.

Hope that gets you started and I wish you and your family the best of health.

Q: I’d love some help with a concoction of essential oils to help me with my mental health. I struggle with anxiety and depression; I have been on medication for years and also exercise when I can. But I’d love to know some essential oils that can help me feel balanced, calm and uplifted. Hayley

A: Kia Ora Hayley, thank you for your question. Medicinal grade essential oils are mind food in a bottle. They can a ect you so easily emotionall­y not only with an uplift but also calming, a ecting your confidence or sense of joy. They are the only medicine you can apply directly to the brain with many versatile applicatio­n methods. For your selection of essential oils think of the citrus family when you like to be uplifted. Organic Lemon essential oil for me is like drinking a cool lemonade on a hot summer day. Organic Orange Sweet essential oil is harmonisin­g, and if you need a bit of a confidence hit reach for Lime essential oil. However, on the other spectrum to calm your anxiety when it catches you, I think of essential oils which calm your nervous system like my favourites Chamomile Roman, Sandalwood and Frankincen­se or the absolute must have Lavender True. You could combine these in two blends – one when you feel depressed and the other when you feel anxious. We also need to consider your medication – during this process you may start feeling the benefits of the essential oils and need to consult a health profession­al who can assist you in adjusting your medication. The mind is complex, and we humans are all di erent. I do hope this gives you a glimmer of hope. Wishing you the best of health.

Q: I would like to know the best recipe for homemade hand cream or lotion for normal to dry skin using essential oils. Kristine

A: A great question. In my experience people expect di erent things from hand creams. Some like a light cream which disappears quickly, others like a thick cream which stays around a while, and I have friends who use a hand cream purely for the pleasant scent. If you like a rich cream which suits your dry hands think of using ingredient­s like Avocado oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and Jojoba oil rather than any petrochemi­cal derived ingredient­s as these will dry your hands even more. Regarding your choice of essential oils, choose something you like, maybe Lavender Sweet, Geranium and Cedarwood. This makes a lovely combinatio­n. Avoid Citrus essential oils due to an ingredient (coumarin) which may cause brown spots on the skin when exposed to sunlight (phototoxic­ity), which I assume your hands might be. Overall have a play and enjoy.

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