

A journey through Bali and Lombok’s smiles, surf and avours.


Stepping out of the airport in Denpasar, the heat will embrace you like a familiar friend. If you’ve been to Indonesia and other Asian countries before, you’ll know the heat can be generously thick, yet if you’re leaving winter in New Zealand like I was then you’ll most likely turn up in jeans or pants and regret the decision until you reach a long-awaited shower at your hotel room, (heads up to pop a t-shirt and shorts in your carry- on). Neverthele­ss, there’s nothing quite like a tropical escape from the wet and windy months back home.

It may sound cliché, but it’s true – the air smells like lemongrass, frangipani and something else sweet and magical you can’t quite put your finger on. The enveloping heat invites you to roll down the taxi window and take it all in – the sizzling street food, the flood of scooters and horns and the hustle and bustle of this beautiful island.

I was so glad to be back in one of my favourite places, and you couldn’t have taken the smile o my face if you tried!

With a heart full of excitement and a suitcase brimming with sunscreen and long since worn shorts, I embarked on a journey that would encompass turquoise beaches, delicious cuisine, the compassion­ate people of Indonesia and of course, the thrill of riding a scooter on winding roads with the sun kissing my face.


Our first stay was in the somewhat urban vibes of Seminyak, the perfect place to slowly ease into island life. After a cooling plunge in our private pool we headed to Seminyak Square where we fossicked through the sea of trinkets on display, bartering for a lower, more appealing price. I’m not the best at partaking in the ‘haggle’ but gave it a good shot and ended up with a handbag half the price! Although most likely double the price of its worth…

Although it can daunting, haggling is an integral aspect of Indonesian culture, deeply rooted in the tradition of friendly negotiatio­n and mutual respect in markets and daily transactio­ns. If you ever find yourself in the midst of it, don’t be afraid to suggest a lower price, or start with just a few dollars o – just remember that they are still trying to make a living!

The atmosphere on the Seminyak streets is an eclectic fusion of traditiona­l Balinese aesthetics and modern style, creating a unique ambiance that is both serene and energetic.

With weary legs and a desire to see the sun dip below the horizon in style we ordered refreshing margaritas at the infamous Woobar on Seminyak Beach where the people watching was also really fun. This beach club was a bit pricey with the only option to book a sun couch for two hours and hope to drink and eat your cost of the hire – that was of course no challenge for me. But it was worth it, and hey, what are holidays for? I’ve done the backpackin­g and living on a budget gig, so an occasional splurge is okay I reckon!

For two blissful nights, we indulged in the vibrant nightlife, sampled sumptuous dishes and even downed a

Ubud’s lush landscapes are a treat for the senses. The emerald-green rice terraces that surround the town are not only a visual delight but also a testament to the traditiona­l farming practices of the region.”

few bottles of the local Bintang beer. It was a taste of Bali’s vibrant culture that left me with a smile as wide as the locals.


We headed inland to the lush, green heart of Bali – Ubud. This is a truly captivatin­g place with a rich tapestry of culture, nature and art. It also felt like a real authentic Balinese experience, which Seminyak can often lack due to the saturation of tourists.

We ventured into the mystical, mosscovere­d Monkey Forest, where cheeky macaques rule the roost. I watched a mischievou­s monkey snatch a tourist’s phone charger, and couldn’t help but think, “Welcome to the jungle!” Aside from the Animal Kingdom meets a tech-savvy gang of pickpocket­s side of things, this ancient forest boasts a rich history. Dating back to the 14th century, it has been regarded as a sacred place, housing spiritual forces and guardian spirits. The 1260 longtailed macaques, are seen as sacred animals to the local Balinese people, symbolisin­g both protection and mischief, and a unique connection between humans and wildlife.

Ubud’s lush landscapes are a treat for the senses. The emerald-green rice terraces that surround the town are not only a visual delight but also a testament to the traditiona­l farming practices of the region. The lush vegetation and the soothing sounds of the Ayung River winding through the town create a serene atmosphere, perfect for introspect­ion. Ubud is a sanctuary of calm in the middle of Bali’s bustling energy, and if you’re looking for some meditation, tranquilli­ty or yoga time, you’ll find it here.


From Ubud, we taxied and boarded a boat to the increasing­ly popular Nusa Lembongan and its smaller sibling, Nusa Ceningan. Known for some of the best surf breaks in the world this is paradise and with a whole week here I could really get into ‘island life’. We rented scooters so we could explore the islands’ hidden gems.

Cruising over the iconic yellow bridge that connects the two islands felt like crossing into a di erent world as Nusa Ceningan is not as populated but just as charming. A scooter is the best way to get around here, and for around $8 per day you can’t really go wrong. Zipping from beaches to look-outs, and markets to beachside restaurant­s, this by far topped my favourite destinatio­ns list.

Perched on a cli was our stunning home for the next week, Rindu Villa, that looked straight out of a brochure and had an infinity pool overlookin­g the endless blue sea. The sunsets here were a daily spectacle – breathtaki­ng blends of colours that washed over us in waves of awe.

Each night, we jumped on our scooters and headed to one of the nearest local restaurant­s. I became a bit obsessed with Sate Ayam (Chicken Satay) and made it my mission to rate each one I tried in order to find the best – it can’t be that bad right? All protein?


Hesitant to leave these two dreamy islands, we took a small, and frightfull­y sweaty boat ride to Lombok. Our home for the next week was a southern beach town called Selong Belanak, a tranquil paradise where time slowed down. The beach, with its powdery white sand and crisp beer on tap, beckoned us to sunbathe and forget the worries of the world.

The coastline of Selong Belanak is a surfer’s dream, and even as a novice, I couldn’t resist riding the waves. They are small and friendly on the main shore with boards to hire by the hour, but if you take a jukang (small outrigger canoe) out to the big breaks, keep your wits about you. I had a bit of a terrifying experience and got pulled under for a long while, after which I had to use my remaining strength to paddle back to the boat which was anchored out past the waves that had just ambushed me. Nothing a good sate ayam and Bintang couldn’t cure though.

We immersed ourselves in the local culture by visiting a friend of my husband’s, Samsul and his family, in their small village, sharing stories and laughter over cups of sweet Indonesian tea and traditiona­l food. Covid was a tough time for the locals on Lombok, with many people losing their jobs,

including Samsul. It was heart-warming to hear how the community bands together and supports each other. As Samsul talked his passion became increasing­ly apparent; he told us about his mission to teach local children English, so now we have set aside time to log in to Samsul’s class once a month to help his students learn English.

One thing I noticed on Lombok is that even when times are tough, the people don’t lose their kindness and spirit. They are strong, resilient, and take pride in everything they do. Plus, they are friendly. Driving through the small towns on my scooter and having so many people smile and wave brought me so much joy.

At the end of our trip we stayed at Amber Resort, a luxurious oasis right on the beach where the sounds of the waves serenaded us to sleep every night. We strolled along the beach, cocktail in hand, and felt incredibly lucky to have the opportunit­y to travel and experience moments like this. The water bu alo made this scene even more magical, strolling right past you in the lapping water with the towering mountains in the background. A surreal experience. And of course, no trip to Indonesia would be complete without indulging in some authentic Indonesian massages that left us feeling rejuvenate­d and utterly relaxed.


Reflecting on my holiday, I’m reminded of the magic of travel. It’s not just about the places you visit, but the people you meet and the experience­s that leave a lasting impression on your heart.

The genuine kindness of the locals, the tantalisin­g cuisine that danced on my taste buds, the ethereal beauty of the beaches, and the thrill of scootering through picturesqu­e landscapes – all of these are etched in my memory. My adventure in Indonesia was not just a trip, it was a journey of the heart and soul.

If you ever find yourself yearning for a taste of paradise, where every sunset is a masterpiec­e, and the journey is as rewarding as the destinatio­n – pack your bags and set your course for Bali and Lombok. You won’t be disappoint­ed. Traveling here is like stepping into a dream, one that will leave you with a heart full of gratitude and a camera roll full of memories that will last a lifetime. Terima kasih, Indonesia!

If you’re wanting to see highlights of Bali and Lombok or ask for travel advice, don’t hesitate to visit my Instagram page @jess_weale.

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 ?? ?? Top right: Grab a delicious and artsy co ee in Seminyak Square before hitting the shops and markets.
Top right: Grab a delicious and artsy co ee in Seminyak Square before hitting the shops and markets.
 ?? ?? Left: Settle in for an evening at Woobar Beach Club, Seminyak Beach. As the sun sets below the horizon, the lanterns begin to glow, and the cocktails start to flow. Bottom right: Deliciousl­y crisp spring rolls from Warung Jembung Restaurant, Seminyak.
Left: Settle in for an evening at Woobar Beach Club, Seminyak Beach. As the sun sets below the horizon, the lanterns begin to glow, and the cocktails start to flow. Bottom right: Deliciousl­y crisp spring rolls from Warung Jembung Restaurant, Seminyak.
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 ?? ?? Top left: Venturing through the sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud, the baby macaques are much friendlier than their adult counterpar­ts. Hold tight to your belongings!
Top left: Venturing through the sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud, the baby macaques are much friendlier than their adult counterpar­ts. Hold tight to your belongings!
 ?? ?? Top right: Watch the surf roll in at Mahana Point, Secret Point Beach, Nusa Ceningan.
Top right: Watch the surf roll in at Mahana Point, Secret Point Beach, Nusa Ceningan.
 ?? ?? Bottom right: Another treasured spot to watch the sun go down at Secret Point Beach – Suku Beach Club.
Bottom right: Another treasured spot to watch the sun go down at Secret Point Beach – Suku Beach Club.
 ?? ?? Bottom right: Enchanting ceramic pots are filled with water and decorated with vibrant flowers as an ornamental touch to restaurant­s and hotels.
Bottom right: Enchanting ceramic pots are filled with water and decorated with vibrant flowers as an ornamental touch to restaurant­s and hotels.
 ?? ?? Top: Soak in the sun or try your hand at surfing at the beautiful Selong Belanak Beach, Lombok.
Top: Soak in the sun or try your hand at surfing at the beautiful Selong Belanak Beach, Lombok.
 ?? ?? Middle: Our local friend and hero, Samsul and his family at their home in South Lomok.
Middle: Our local friend and hero, Samsul and his family at their home in South Lomok.
 ?? ?? Bottom left: Here I am up at 6am and ready to take on the surf.
Bottom left: Here I am up at 6am and ready to take on the surf.
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