
Choose what moves and inspires you

- Carolyn Enting, editor

This issue is possibly one of my favourites, ever! I’m excited to preface Good’s New Year edition which has personally brought me many insights that I’m excited to explore in 2024.

The courageous and wise words of writer Kathryn Price – who ask’s the question, ‘If not now, when?’ – shows that it is never too late to go after your dreams and she admits to experienci­ng years of procrastin­ation before she finally began kicking o her goals, no matter how small (page 30).

I’ve realised procrastin­ation has stopped me from signing up for that Te Reo Maori class, fuelled by fear of not being good enough, because I hold this belief that I’m not good at languages – a hangover from college days. And, also, like Kathryn, signing up for a photograph­y course. You see my father was a published and brilliant photograph­er, so I should know everything about that already, right? I couldn’t possibly look silly in front of others or let him down. Thanks Kathryn Price, it’s time to just do it.

Meeting the marvellous Peta Mathias has also been totally inspiring. As my colleague Lisa Anderson perfectly summed up, “Peta is the kind of person you want to be when you grow up”. I love that Peta has designed her life in a way so that she can live her best life – one that inspires her and feeds her soul. And as a chef, among other talents, she’s also very good at feeding others incredible food as well as lifting their spirits along the way.

Retirement is not in Peta’s vocabulary and at 74 she is full of energy and plans, which include writing another book (another one of my goals) – read more on page 16.

She is also one of the most stylish people I’ve met. And I’ve met a few!

(In a former life I was a fashion editor for 11 years). Peta has inspired me to embrace getting dressed with new vigour this year and I love her sustainabl­e approach.

Another person in this issue who hugely inspires me is Jamie Joseph, founder of New Zealand charity Saving the Wild, and I’m not alone.

Actress/producer Margot Robbie is so inspired and moved by the work Jamie is doing with Saving the Wild that she is producing a movie about it later this year. You can read more about that on page 11.

Jamie has spent years exposing the corruption that has devastated South Africa’s rhinos, African elephants and other wildlife, as well as helping set up a community bee project in Kenya.

Jamie also happens to be in New Zealand this month to host a very special fundraisin­g dinner in late February.

You can count on an exceptiona­l culinary experience, one of a kind auction items, courageous stories from the frontline, and a behind the scenes journey that brought Jamie and Margot Robbie together in the race to save the last of the rhinos. (Follow @saving_the_wild and @jamie_savingthew­ild on Instagram to find out more details.)

That’s another thing on my 2024 hit list! What’s on yours?

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Peta Mathias photograph­ed for Good by Sally Tagg. Make- up Jess Hilliar of Aleph Beauty.
ON THE COVER Peta Mathias photograph­ed for Good by Sally Tagg. Make- up Jess Hilliar of Aleph Beauty.

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