Gourmet Traveller (Australia)

Steak, eggs, fried bread and capsicum


“This is a simple single-pan dish that can be cooked for one person or 10,” says Stone. “It’s also my go-to meal when I get home late and need a filling dinner quickly.” Serves 1

1 steak (about 200 gm; Stone uses skirt)

Olive oil, for drizzling

1 egg

1 tbsp butter

120 gm stale bread (3-4 days old), torn into

2cm pieces

60 gm (½ cup) roasted red capsicum

or cherry tomatoes, sliced

1 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley

Hot sauce (see recipe p110), to serve 1 Place a large frying pan over high heat. Season your steak with salt and dress with a little olive oil. Place the steak in the hot pan and cook for a few minutes until caramelise­d (3 minutes each side for medium-rare). Turn the steak and move it to one side of the pan.

2 Crack an egg into the pan and add the butter. Fill any gaps in the pan with the torn-up bread. By this stage your steak should be cooked and the egg ready, making sure the yolk is still runny. Gently slide the egg on top of the steak and remove both of them to rest. The egg will stay warm on top of the steak.

3 Continue to fry the bread until golden.

Turn the heat off and throw in the capsicum and chopped parsley. Toss together and serve alongside the steak and egg. Drizzle with a little olive oil and finish with black pepper. A cheeky splash of hot sauce doesn’t go astray either.>

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