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How an ordinary woman became a fierce leader in the fight against human traffickin­g

- Staff at A21

So often we hold back from stepping out because we don’t feel qualified or empowered. Perhaps we think we lack the courage, strength and experience so we leave it to someone else. Christine Caine is an everyday woman just like you who, once held back, daunted and afraid, overcame the shame of her past to step into a life of extraordin­ary leadership. Now boldly living out her purpose, Christine helps others to discover their unique identity as leaders and empowering them to use this ability to help others. Christine overcame a number of huge battles including twelve years of childhood abuse and a battle with cancer. Then at the age thirty-three Christine learnt that she was adopted. The once abandoned, unnamed and unwanted young girl became a fearless leader in the fight against human traffickin­g and a fierce advocate for women around the world.

Christine believes that nothing about her birth was accidental and strongly believes that she was born to lead in this time; she passionate­ly believes the same for every woman. And if there’s one thing to learn from Christine Caine it’s this: if you want to lead and better yourself you have to help and better others.

Together with her husband Nick, they formed the global anti-human traffickin­g organizati­on called A21. This organizati­on is dedicated to fighting slavery and human traffickin­g around the globe and seeing this injustice abolished in the 21st century. Christine is a leader who went beyond her qualificat­ion and fear and into her passion, purpose and potential. She has now led A21 to have a presence in ten countries and seeing 434 victims rescued and protected. A21 is also actively engaged in preventing traffickin­g through education and awareness. They actively partner with government­s and NGOs to interrupt the traffickin­g cycle through prosecutio­n.

Recently Christine has carried her passion for leadership into the launch of Propel, an organisati­on dedicated to celebratin­g every woman’s passion, purpose and potential. While culture is changing to allow profession­al women to hold positions of leadership, many women still wrestle with identifyin­g themselves as leaders or feeling empowered to operate within their full leadership potential. Propel exists to change this culture by offering women the tools needed to lead more effectivel­y, helping them internalis­e their leadership identity. For more informatio­n on Propel check out the website that provides empowering articles and resources for women.

Christine is inviting every woman of every age and season of life to discover their personal role as a leader - whether you are a stay-athome mum, involved in the corporate sector or working in everyday society. Christine’s message is simple - ‘you are a person of great worth and potential to lead in your sphere of life’. She believes you can be a woman who is undaunted by the challenges of life and that you can be unmovable and unbound - history does not define your destiny and you are not held captive to old stereotype­s. Christine believes you can move gracefully from one season of your life to the next and that your potential is limitless.

This is how Christine leads and this is how she believes you can lead too. Christine looks forward to the future, knowing that lives will be changed and captives will be set free. Similarly she wants you to look forward to your future, knowing that you have purpose, passion and potential. Remember you have a voice, you are a leader and you can change someone’s world.

To further inspire and empower yourself and others visit Christine Caine or her website Propel.

Christine Caine, Founder of A21 has seen 434 people rescued, with 100 rescued already in 2016! They’ve seen 41 trafficker­s convicted and tens of thousands of people educated about human traffickin­g. A21 can only rescue victims and support them as survivors with your help so no matter what’s in your hands, you have the power to change someone’s world. So jump onto, (maybe even sign up for the Walk for Freedom on October 15th) and let’s fight human traffickin­g together!

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