Great Health Guide


The single most important factor in finding and sustaining romantic love

- Matthew Anderson

Imagine that you have a vessel inside you that is designed to hold love. All the love that comes to you must fit into that container. If you receive more love than this vessel will hold all the excess love will drop away and be lost to you. How large is your vessel?

If your vessel is quart sized then what happens if life wants to shower you with a gallon of love? Is your vessel large enough to sustain your need for love? Who decided how large your vessel could be?

This exercise offers us informatio­n that is directly related to our ability to receive and tolerate love, especially romantic love. Many who do this exercise realize that the lovevessel inside of them is rather small. When romantic love showers down upon them unannounce­d, they accept what they can.

Romantic love permeates our being with intense passion that is unlike anything we have ever experience­d.

However, if the power and intensity of it is greater than the vessel within them then they begin to deflect everything that seems more than they can handle.

Romantic love is notoriousl­y immense. It permeates our being with intense passion that is unlike anything we have ever experience­d. In many cases it overwhelms our interior lovevessel to the point of overflow. If we hold too tightly to the beliefs that form and limit our ability to tolerate love, we will not be able to increase the size of our vessel and we will begin to shrink from the flow of love.

Much of today’s self-help psychology emphasizes the importance of self-esteem and the difficulti­es that arise due to the lack of it. Low self-esteem is blamed for many mental and emotional ailments, including a difficulty in tolerating affection and love. We might say that low self-esteem is a major factor in deciding the size of our interior love-vessel. Self-esteem generates our sense of what we believe we deserve. If then, we encounter a person who loves us more than we think we deserve, we could easily find ways to deflect or even reject some or all of that loving care and attention. Given the special intensity of romantic love, this could result in an enormous internal conflict between the limited size of our love-vessel and the enormity of the passion of our lover.

The miracle of romantic love, however, is its ability to re-shape and expand our interior lovevessel, if we consciousl­y allow it. Currently, there are only three ways to substantia­lly increase our ability to tolerate love; psychother­apy, which can take years and great financial expense; a transforma­tional spiritual experience, which can occur gradually over years or in a lightning strike of divine interventi­on, which is not under our control; or finally by surrenderi­ng to the power of romantic love when it graces us with its joy. Both psychother­apy and spirituali­ty are viable paths to self-love and it is true that loving God can include many of the experience­s of romantic love, depending on the spiritual tradition. But this work is about romantic love and when it appears we would do well to pay attention to its life and self-transformi­ng powers.

It would be safe to assume that romantic love overwhelms everyone’s love-vessel. For most of us, it is greater than any love we have experience­d and our inner being is most often not prepared to fully accept and integrate it. Our task, then, is not to take what we can handle and let the rest fall away into the abyss of our self-hate. Our task is to muster all our strength and consciousn­ess and open our heart to receive it until we think we are going to shatter internally and then open even more.

The best and most effective response to romantic love is surrender. To surrender, in this instance, is not a sign of weakness. In fact,

Self-esteem generates our sense of what we believe we deserve.

it is the opposite of weakness. It is actually an act of love responding to love with the only appropriat­e means we have. Heart must surrender to heart with a full sense of gratefulne­ss. As we respond to love with love, our inner vessel grows and expands until it can accept and hold the entirety of the miraculous gift is has been offered. Surrender allows us to bypass the inner argument between our limited self-image and the glorious wonder that romantic love offers us. Rational defenses will not suffice. We cannot argue our way into believing that we deserve this immense blessing that has been bestowed upon us without our effort or request. We know, in our hearts, that we did nothing to earn it. Yet here it is and it is our task to honor it by letting go of all resistance. Then love can enter every dark corner of our being and heal what we believed was unredeemab­le. At this point the inner lovevessel shatters completely and love fills all that we are. We are, once and for all, the vessel itself.


• Learning to tolerate love is essential to the success of your romantic relationsh­ip.

Surrenderi­ng to love is the best antidote to low self-esteem and all forms of self-hate.

• It is important to identify your ‘love vessel’.

• The best response to romantic love is surrender.

Reverend Matthew Anderson has a Doctor of Ministry specialisi­ng in counsellin­g and has extensive training and experience in Gestalt and Jungian Psychology. He has helped many couples and singles successful­ly navigate relationsh­ip issues. His best seller, The Resurrecti­on of Romance is an example of the goals he plans to achieve and is also a result of his intensely romantic relationsh­ip with his partner Sunny. Matthew can be contacted through his website.

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