Great Health Guide


- Kath x Founder

This month I’ve been thinking more about identity – it may seem like a small thing but identity is actually the hinge around which our entire life revolves. Your identity is ‘who you say you are’ and it affects everything – your thoughts, decisions, your circle of friends and also how well you bounce back from adversity. Identity is not ‘what you do’ - that’s just a function. Identity is actually ‘who you are’. Do you actually believe that you’re a good person, offering a valued contributi­on to society? Or perhaps your identity has been based on thoughtles­s words from other people and because of that, you think your life offers little value and worth. I think it’s important that life’s events and people’s words don’t define who we are. For example if you have gone through a marriage break up or become redundant from your job, these events do not need to label you and define your worth. Learn from life’s lessons but don’t allow circumstan­ces to question and frame your value and worth. This month in GHGTM, we have some brilliant articles that help define identity. From Christine Caine, who overcame incredible adversity to found a world-wide organisati­ons to help people, to articles discussing love from Matthew Anderson who summarises identity so eloquently. He says; “…imagine that you have a vessel inside you that is designed to hold love…How large is your vessel? If your vessel is quart sized then what happens if life wants to shower you with a gallon of love? Is your vessel large enough to sustain your need for love? Who decided how large your vessel could be?” So reframing Matthew’s question … ‘who decided your identity’? If you’re not happy with who you have become, then believe that there’s always a new day to become that person you’ve always wanted to be. Start today.

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