Great Health Guide


Change your perception of stress so you can let it go

- Dr Suzanne Henwood

Did you know it is claimed that 75% of adults reported experienci­ng moderate to high levels of stress in the past month and nearly half reported that their stress has increased in the past year. Here is the data from the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n.

If you were honest with yourself, are you someone who experience­s stress? You may be reluctant to admit it, especially at work, or you may not want to admit it to yourself. But the statistics show that it is more normal to feel stress these days than to not feel stressed.

What is fascinatin­g is the new thinking around stress – backed up by research – that in fact stress is not the real problem. It is our perception of stress which really has a negative impact on us. What if you could completely change your response, in the moment, without having to change anything around you? Kelly McGonigal in her book,

The Upside of Stress: Why Stress is Good for You and How to Get Good at it, talks of stress that is either challengin­g, or threatenin­g. I prefer the words resourcefu­l or not resourcefu­l – helpful or not helpful.

You have the choice of the two words you use to describe the stress that is either causing you a problem and taking away your peace of mind or alternativ­ely stress which is more positive, offering you the challenge, drive, and resourcefu­lness. Choose the word that will help you to be the high achiever you are, without having to change where you are.

For a moment reflect on how you think about stress. What words do you use and how do you perceive stress? This is what we call ‘above the line’, resourcefu­l thinking. We know that thinking is one of the most powerful activities we can do; it can change our perception on anything and can physically change the body at a cellular and DNA level.

To make a change in our thinking, we first must be aware of what we are thinking. It is claimed that 95% of our day is outside of our conscious awareness, that is why mindfulnes­s is so powerful – it brings things to our attention, into the here and now.

So, let’s do that for a moment right now. Stop whatever you are doing and breathe deeply with a long even breath in and out. Become aware of the movement of air into and out of your body. As you quieten your body down, place your attention up to your head and be aware of what it is you are thinking (in this case about stress). Now think beyond that.


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