Great Health Guide


How to remain healthy while travelling

- Tanya Doherty

Most people increase their commitment to exercise and healthy eating prior to a holiday so they feel amazing, but as soon as they get to the airport or start on the road trip, they buy some junk food and if not driving, have a glass of wine. The holiday is filled with beach reads, cocktails and lots of yummy treats. As soon as you get back to the airport, you vow to go back to your healthy eating and exercise plan because you are feeling worse then you did before you left. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Here’s some top tips to keep you feeling amazing whilst still indulging when you’re on your next journey.


1. Prepare some healthy snacks for the plane.

If you want extra marks you can prepare your own meals for the plane. Personally, this isn’t something I do, but I like to take healthy snacks and tend to stick to the veggie option on the plane. Snacks such as rice cakes with nut butter, dates, dark chocolate, nuts and seeds are great options.

2. Take an empty water bottle with you.

Fill this up once you get past security and don’t be afraid to ask for it to be filled on the plane or ask where you can refill it yourself. Hydration is so important, especially when flying. It will also make you feel a lot better once you land.

3. On that note take some herbal teas with you.

You can ask for hot water on the plane and herbal teas are beautifull­y calming. Peppermint is great for digestion and chamomile is great for relaxing.


4. Try to avoid alcohol on the plane.

It can be tempting to start your holiday with some drinks, but this is just going to dehydrate you further and will make you feel groggier when you land.

5. Do some research – find some healthy restaurant­s before you go.

There’s nothing wrong with indulging when you are there, but you need to balance it with your usual healthy meals. It’s so easy to do some research before you go and have some great options at hand.

6. Do some more research – search out a gym or yoga studio that is close to your accommodat­ion.

Make a commitment to do a certain number of sessions while you are away, just as you would at home. It is also a great opportunit­y to try something new that you may not do at home, or don’t have the opportunit­y to do when at home.


7. Prepare a healthy meal and freeze it before you leave home.

If you find that you are tired when you get home and start reaching for the local take away menu, enjoy eating your own prepared meal instead. Much healthier and enjoyable.


1. Check out the local farmers’ markets for some great local produce.

Fruit or veggie sticks are great snack options when you are out and about. If you have access to a kitchen, plan some healthy meals; hopefully you may have more time to experiment while you are away and cook some of those new meals that you find interestin­g.

Exercise doesn’t have to be limited to a gym, why not hire a bike and find the local walking tracks. Make it fun!

2. Try some meditation.

People find that one of the biggest barriers to meditation is lack of time. A holiday is a great opportunit­y to experiment with meditation and hopefully once you’ve experience­d the benefits, you’ll find time to continue meditation when you get home.

3. Enjoy yourself!

Holidays are a great opportunit­y to relax, read that book you’ve been meaning to and to indulge in some self-care. Get a massage, have your nails done and do whatever else is going to make you happy.

WHEN YOU GET HOME: 1. You should be rested, relaxed and have had a great time.

If you have used the opportunit­y to get into a routine with your exercise, meditation or healthy food, keep it going! Now is not the time to give up.

2. Enjoy that meal you have prefrozen before your departure.

If not grab some fish or meat and keep it simple, fast and healthy with some steamed greens.

Tanya Doherty is the founder of ‘Beachfit and Well-being’ and a personal trainer with

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Level 1 Fitness. Tanya is also a Charles Poliquin Biosignatu­re practition­er and assists both women and men to live in optimum health. Tanya can be contacted via her website or her Facebook page.

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