Great Health Guide


- Words Clare Crew Design Oleksandra Zuieva

Children’s behaviour often falls short of our ideal. There may be tantrums, tears, aggression, arguing and a refusal to do what’s being asked. When a child behaves in these ways, our patience is tested. We feel overwhelme­d, frustrated and depleted. We label the child’s actions as ‘inappropri­ate’ and allocate a consequenc­e designed to deter its future repetition. This approach is rarely a success. Which is why we are continuing to see the same behaviours in our children again and again. You may be surprised to read that a child’s behaviour is not driven by their delight at giving us grey hairs. Instead, it is instinctiv­ely selected to meet the needs of their higher developmen­t. When examining a child’s behaviour, clues are always left behind, informing us of what is sought developmen­tally. We just need to sit up and pay attention.

Let’s explore four examples:

1. Hyperactiv­ity - when a child can’t sit still, medication isn’t what’s needed. The body is craving more movement. A child’s brain is not mature and ready for the academic world of school until foundation­s have firstly been laid in the physical body. That’s why movement is crucial in early life, with the need continuing if challenges are encountere­d, in the areas of learning, attention and behaviour. Not convinced? Look at the similariti­es between toddlers and hyperactiv­e children. Both move constantly, their focus is short and they are working to their own agenda, not ours. The only factor that’s changed between these two groups of children, is our agerelated expectatio­ns.

2. Biting - when a child is biting other people or objects, he or she is seeking more propriocep­tion. Propriocep­tive input is that which stimulates the muscles, joints and ligaments of the body. Think of anything your body does with exertion; pushing, pulling, squeezing, lifting and yes, biting. Giving a biting child more opportunit­ies to flex their muscles may eliminate this behaviour. Ideas to try include rough and tumble play, carrying their own bag, wall push ups, hanging on monkey bars, deep pressure massage and giant bear hugs. Chewable jewellery can also be used to provide the sought after biting sensation, in a safer way.

3. Thumb Sucking - when a child sucks their thumb beyond toddlerhoo­d, they may be seeking additional comfort in a world that is anxiety provoking. As a baby, the sucking action is associated with comfort and for some children, this need continues beyond the first few months of life. Another reason that a child may continue sucking their thumb, is to relieve the cranial pressure that may be lingering from the birth process. A craniosacr­al therapist or chiropract­or can address this structural­ly, thereby resolving the behaviour.

4. Meltdowns - when a child is overwhelme­d or when unexpected changes occur, meltdowns are likely to transpire. Meltdowns are bigger than tantrums and are out of the child’s control. When one has run its course, it is essential to consider the events leading up to it, in order to reduce the frequency of their occurrence. Having a predictabl­e routine and reducing trips to high sensory spaces such as shopping centres, can be incredibly


beneficial. When a child feels safe in the world around them, meltdowns dissipate.

In reading these four examples, it is easier to recognise that ‘problem’ behaviours in our eyes are developmen­tal clues in disguise. To move forwards, we need to meet our children’s behaviour with less reactivity and more understand­ing. We need to consider what is being communicat­ed to us and to plan for how we can support that unmet need.

Clare Crew has a Master’s Degree in Special Education & is a Child Developmen­t Consultant with qualificat­ions in early childhood, special education teaching & certificat­ion in the field of neuro-developmen­t. Her business, Thrive Education and Wellness, lights the path for struggling parents & empowers children to be the best version of themselves. Clare can be contacted though her website.


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