Great Health Guide



Dear Friends

The pressures of modern-day life and our increasing­ly sedentary lifestyle is making it harder to ensure we are sufficient­ly active to have great health. In this edition of Great Health GuideTM the authors discuss a consistent theme showing how movement and exercise are effective treatments for many of today’s ailments. Dr Jenny Brockis describes in Exercise for Best Brain Health, how moderate, regular exercise can improve memory and reduce cognitive decline. Exercise improves sleep patterns, boosts the immune system while lowering stress, anxiety and depression. If you are wondering how to prevent a heart attack and keep your heart in top condition read Dr Warrick Bishop’s Exercise & Heart Health. Two major diseases, diabetes and endometrio­sis are discussed in this edition and in both cases, one of the most important treatments that you can do very simply, is to walk and exercise. As with any muscles, they must be used to gain strength. The article Pelvic Floor Exercises discusses how strong pelvic floor muscles provide control over the bladder and bowel.

Best Exercise for Weight Loss specifical­ly discusses how to maximise your exercise routine for weight loss. A word of caution: Be aware that you can’t outrun a bad diet. Australian statistics show that two in every three Australian adults are overweight or obese. The article, Pilates For Seniors: Is It Safe? shows how this form of exercise is adaptable to almost anyone. Pilates is used by elite athletes who are highly trained, and also for frail individual­s who require a very gradual and gentle approach. You may ask, ‘What is best type of exercise to do?’ The answer is, ‘What ever exercise that you enjoy doing’. If you enjoy a certain activity, then you will be more likely to do it. The best exercise is always the exercise you do. Kathryn x

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