Great Health Guide

Editor's Letter


Dear Friends

Over the years, many of our readers have asked us about various topics, some of which have already been produced in the magazine. So, to help you quickly find these articles, we have created the Great Health GuideTM Index, hyperlinki­ng to all the articles published in Great Health GuideTM to date. This index is divided into subject headings within each theme and cross referenced to other themes as well. With a simple click, open the

Great Health GuideTM Index to search for a particular topic. Once you choose your article, click the link and the article within our digital magazine will appear on your screen.

In this edition of Great Health GuideTM, several of our regular authors

have produced articles on important health issues such as Energy Drinks: Fizz or Fact, The Ringing Noise in My Ear, Can Physiother­apy Help Osteoporos­is? and Overuse of Technology: Device Strain. Special features in the section on Kids Matters are Tips for Your Child’s Memory, Your Baby & Solid Foods and Physical Activity Improves Developmen­t. Great Health GuideTM, was created with the vision to Enable Women’s Greatness. We only publish content from health specialist­s, such as Doctors, Psychologi­sts, Physiother­apists, Dieticians & Pharmacist­s etc. No fads–just facts. The magazine was a finalist in the Internatio­nal Digital Magazine Awards, London in 2016 for Editorial Team-of-the-Year. I trust that you, our valued reader, has received world-class informatio­n from the publishing of these articles. Feel free to click on the Great Health GuideTM Index and follow the empowering articles in the Great Health GuideTM. Here’s to all our reader’s great health… from the GHG Team. Kathryn x

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