Great Health Guide


- Terry Sidford

We all have hearts; we want to be loved & to love.

Why is it essential to cooperate with others? It might seem obvious, but there is more to it. As human beings on the same planet, we are all in this together. We need each other for survival and to help each other learn, grow and interact.

Sometimes it appears we have nothing in common with others. We all have different personalit­ies, cultures and upbringing­s. However, what we do have in common is human existence and the need to be seen, heard, felt and loved. We are all trying to figure out what our purpose is and why we are here.

When we go the extra mile by understand­ing and cooperatin­g with others, this is of great benefit to us, but it could also change another person.

As a life coach, speaker and author, I have witnessed that most people, when asked what is important to them, ALL want to make a difference in other people’s lives or in the world. People are basically good and lead with their hearts.

We all have hearts & want to love & be loved.

Regardless of our difference­s, we all have hearts and want to be loved, to love, be understood and have a purpose on this earth. What if you looked at every person as a child that was just born? We all came into this world the same way, vulnerable and in need of care from our parents or a loving human being.

Think about the elderly and how much they need to be cared for by others as they become vulnerable and unable to take care of themselves. Infants, children and the elderly, allow us to cooperate and connect and make a difference. We can do that every day with people in our lives. Who can you work with and make both your lives better? Look around you and take a moment to make someone’s day and our world a better place.

When you come across someone challengin­g to cooperate with, remember they have the same needs as everyone else. Of course, you don’t want to engage with someone negative, combative, or unwilling to cooperate but look at them with love and care. They are usually acting out because they are insecure, afraid or feel unloved and misunderst­ood. They are still that little child inside and as human as you and I.

Make it your responsibi­lity to cooperate with others & our world.

Cooperatin­g with others benefits you and everyone else around you. Make an effort to listen and understand before you make a judgment. Your small act of kindness could literally change a person’s life.

There are several ways that you can promote cooperatio­n:

• Start by respecting one another.

• Respect each other’s space, belongings and beliefs.

• Listen and communicat­e well.

• Communicat­e, especially now, when our world is so conflicted.

• Look for what we have in common first.

• Understand before you make a judgment.

We all need to take personal responsibi­lity by cooperatin­g with others to improve our world.

We all have hearts & want to love & be loved.

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